Page 123 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 123
Departure — Hospitable Invitation — Copious Dews — Dreary
Prospect—Inroads of the Sand—How arrested—Scarcity of
Water—Melancholy fate of a Bedowin Family—Wadi Bethel—
Abundance of Water in Oman — Water Skins —Anecdote—
Bed?ah—Its low situation—Subterraneous Watercourses —
Magnificent Trees—Abundance and Excellence of the Fruit—
Amazing Fertility—Accident—Medical Patients—Anecdote—
Encamp at Ibrah — Presents — Description of the Town—
Market—Inquisitiveness of Bedowin Ladies—An alarm.
Thursday, December \Oth. I quitted Beni-
Abti-’Ali this morning shortly before noon.
The old men begged I would come again,
and pass a month with them, in which case
they promised to build a house “ like those
in India,” and keep me in great state. The
ladies were equally pressing in their en
treaties, and the whole tribe accompanied me
to the skirts of the village of Beni-’Abfi-Ha-
san. “ If you will visit us next year,” said
young Sooltan, “my father will have returned