Page 174 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 174
covered that the inhabitants, from a desire
of amusing themselves with the wrath of its
irascible owner, had conducted us. Nor
were they disappointed ; for the old lady no
sooner caught a glimpse of the intruders than
she raised such an outrageous clamour, that
we were but too happy to effect a safe retreat.
Although completely fagged (for we had been
walking nearly the whole of the day), and
somewhat displeased at our unceremonious
ejection,still we had no sooner seated ourselves
beneath a rock, which sheltered us in a mea
sure from the keenness of the wind, and had
lighted a good fire to cook our evening meal,
than the whole affair appeared so amusing
that we indulged a hearty laugh. Not so the
Arab who accompanied us as a guide; with
our situation it was very evident he had mar
vellous little sympathy, notwithstanding his
professions to the contrary. But that a true
believer, and a Sheikh of fifty followers,
should meet with so little consideration and
hospitality, was beyond endurance; and dire
and manifold, as he sat shivering in the cold,
were the imprecations which he heaped on
the heads of the “ wine-bibbing Kafers.”