Page 274 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 274
Imam’s letter to Sayyid ibn Mutluk, the
Wahh&bi chief, who, I had every reason to
believe, was still at Bireimah : with it I also
sent a note, requesting that, if he were willing
to receive me, he would, as the intermediate
country was in a very unsettled state, send a
small force to conduct the party from the
sea-coast to his encampment. I employed
the time which elapsed after the despatch of
our letters in collecting information of, and
examining, as far as my means enabled me,
the surrounding country, of which I shall now
give some description.
There is such an universal sameness in the
common features of this part of Oman, that
it would be unnecessary and tedious to enter
on minute details ; I shall therefore give a
general outline of the country and its inha
bitants, commencing with the sea-coast.
From Sehinas to Ras Mussendon, the
north-east extremity of Arabia, the Maceto
and Acabo of the Greeks, and the Ras el
Jebel, or cape of the hills of the Arabs, the
general direction of the coast is N. | E.; and
throughout the whole distance it is indented
with deep bays, coves, and inlets, which be