Page 278 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 278
superior to any part of Oman, and almost
equal to that of Nejd, which is everywhere
extolled as the finest in Arabia.
From Dibha to Ras Mussendon, together
with that extent of hilly country included
within the bifurcation of the main range and
the sea, the whole space appears to be bar
ren, and generally destitute of water. That
obtained near the sea-coast is indifferent and
brackish; and the lonely clumps of palms,
which occasionally peep forth from some se
cluded nook or hollow, when contrasted with
the bleak and sombre appearance of the
hills, afford, by their verdant hue, a pleasing
contrast. A scanty sprinkling of grass in
the sandy beds of the valleys, and a few
aromatic herbs and shrubs peculiar to the
Desert, furnish but indifferent pasturage to
the numerous flocks of goats which are
everywhere met with. The Euphorbia Tiruc-
calla, or milk bush, is also found here, grow
ing out of the fissures of the rock. Notwith
standing the peculiarly acrid nature of the
juice of its leaves, which is sufficient to ex
coriate any part of the skin on which it may
be placed, the goats and camels feed thereon