Page 431 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 431
which induced a considerable number of the
Prophet’s followers to desert their chief, settle
in Oman, and choose an Imam or Kalif of
their own. This event occurred during the
wars in which ’Ali ibn Talib, the son-in-law
of Mohammed, was engaged, in order to pos
sess himself of the disputed Kalifat; and
these seceders then received the appellation
of “ Khuwarijites,” a term of reproach their
sect still retains.
Excepting during the brief sway of the
Portuguese, the sovereignty of Oman re
mained in the familv of the Yaharabi el
Azad for two hundred and fifty years. I
think it will be considered sufficient if I be
gin with Seif
This Prince, in 1658, drove the Portuguese
from Maskat: he took Zanzibar, and several
ports on the African, a few on the Persian,
and one or two others on the Makran coast,
with Bahrein, Kishm, and many other
islands in the Persian Gulf. His descend
ants lost Bahrein, which threw off the yoke
towards the close of the last century, but
* The genealogy of the preceding Im&ms is Seif ibn Sooltan,
Ibn Malik, Ibn Adul Arab, el Yaharabi, ul Uzd6, ul Quaitanf.