Page 485 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 485

444                        APPENDIX.

                       My dear Sir, Maskat, February 9th.
                                 With much pleasure I acknowledge the receipt
                       of your most esteemed letter, which reached me on the
                       4th; happy I am to find you are at Sib, and recovering
                       your health. Sir, the greatest benefit is to gain
                       strength, and this I hear you are gaining; for this, in

                       my daily prayers to Almighty God, I thank him. I
                       explained to His Highness your fever at Neswah: he
                        said “ it could not be avoided; that what Almighty

                        God orders must take place.” I enclose you a letter
                       from him to the Governor of Sib, which you can read,
                       as it is unsealed. He was quite pleased and happy to
                       hear of your safe arrival at that place.

                                                      Yours faithfully,
                                                               Sayyid Ibn Kalfan.

                                                            Maskat, 17th February, 1836.
                             I have received your letter this day at 8h. 3' a m.
                        I have mentioned the route you intend to pursue, to

                        His Highness ; his reply is as follows: t{ That the
                        road from Suwe'ik to Obri is not safe for you; nor to
                        Dharra.” Do not run the risk; His Highness deems

                        it not safe. The reason is, the Wahhibi tribe arrived
                        from Deray’yah; beyond Sohar, several places have
                        been attacked and burnt; all the people are at present
                        in confusion, particularly in those places connected
                        with Obri. They plunder and kill each other, and

                        say it is the Wahhabis.
                           If you are therefore coming to Maskat, you had
                        better get on board some bagala passing, as the

                        weather is very hot to come by land.
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