Page 486 - Travels in Arabis (Vol I)
P. 486

APPENDIX.                           445

                                         Maskat, Sunday, February 22nd, 1836.
                     I received your letter last night, and perfectly
               understand the contents. Your determination to pro­
               ceed to Obri, I have told His Highness, and he has
               therefore given an order this day, that one of his
               officers is to conduct you to Obrf: viz., by this route

               he will first call at the town of Suwe’ik, to the country
               called Gaizein, of the tribe of Hawasanah; the said
               tribe will conduct you to the country of the Beni
               Kalbdn, who will take you to Obri, the Yacknali tribe;
               there you must get them to conduct you to Bireimah.

                  The Sheikh at Bireimah, Sayyid Ibn Mutluk, will
               conduct you to Deray’yah. His Highness, to prevent
               accidents, will write to Bireimah by your guide, and to
               the Imam at Deray’yah, that any orders from you for
               money drawn on him will be accepted and paid.

                  The Imdm has given directions for camels to be
               furnished to convey you as far as Suwcik, that is, the
               last dominions of His Highness.
                                             Yours faithfully,
                                                     Sayyid Ibn Kalfan.

               My dear Sir, Maskat, April Gth, 1836.
                        I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter,
               dated Sib, April 5th.
                  Captain Hcnncll returned to Maskat in the Coote,
               and by her I have received several letters for you,

               which I send with this, without delay.
                  I never heard of the messengers the Imam de­
               spatched for you to Obri; and I believe they were both
               murdered by the Wahhabis.
                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                     Sayyid Ibn Kalfan.
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