Page 5 - Historical Summaries (Persian Gulf) 1907-1953
P. 5

"pnuc i^uouiuvavij tuu a u/yw mj v» mw  jlsaluifriiijuu luajuoiij' o uuvcxjuutmuj
                             Printed for the use of the Foreign Office. February 1908.


                                          Memorandum respecting British Interests
                                                    in the Persian Gulf

                                            [Note.—Apart from Confidential correspondence,
                                          which in throughout expressly indicated by marginal
                                          notes, the following works huve been consulted, both
 :                                        for purposes of referonco and quotation
                                            1.  Bombay Records, volume 24. '
                                            2.  Aitchison’s Treaties, volume 10.
                                            3.  Low’s “History of tho Indiun Navy.”
                                            4.  Elisdo Kudus’ “ NouvdloGiograpliieUniversello.”
                                            5.  Bennett’s ** Paftt and Present Connection of
                                          England with the Persian Gulf.”
                                             (>. Lord Curzon’s " Persia."
                                             7.  Foster’s “ Letters received by the East India
                                          Company from its servants in tho East.”
                                             8.  BarbierdeMcyuard’s “DietionnaireGiographique
                                          et Ilibtorique de la Perse."]

                                                     Table of Contents.®
                                          Part                               Page
                                            I. General Summaiy ..             2
                                           II. Political—
                                              (a.) Muscat, including the Musandiui Peninsula  6
                                              (ft.) The Trucial Chiefs        22
                                              (c.) Bahrein ..*•   ..          2ft
                                                   „ (summary) ..   ..        87.
                                              (d.) El Katr                    41
                                              (e.) The Wahabeus               44
                                              (/) Turkey and Kowcit           65
                                              (^.) Molmtnmerah..              Cft
                                              (ft.) Persia                    ct;
                                              (>.) Bassidu                    72
                                              O'.) Abu Musa, Tamb, and Sirri  74
                                          III.  Commerce..                    78
                                              (</.) The Pearl Fisheries       78
                                              (6.) General Trade Statistics and German Coiu-
                                                  jx'lition                   80
                                              () Lighthouses ..               04
                                              (d.) British Cables             96
                                          IV.  Conclusion   ..      ,,    ..  104
                                              (</.) Declarations respecting Bahrein..  .. Ill
                                              (ft.) Persian undeilakings respecting British
                                                  railway construction in Persia   114
                                              («•.) Bibliogrnphy ..   ..     lift

                                           • Separate Memoranda respecting “Quarantine,” and tho
                                          '* Arms Truffle " arc in course of preparation.
                                             [109S]                        B
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