Page 218 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 218

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                 natural]/ caused great dieocntent amongst the Rooidcnoy staff,'
                 who had received no war allowance of an/ kind uhntaoover.      A

                 high proportion of the tenporory non resigned and flavor©! per­
                 manent handa prafarrad to gito up cany yaara pcnoionable service
                rathar than oontlnua to aarra radar such arduous condition a*

                Hot vaa moral* halpad by tha death In tragic and dlotrooolng
                 olroumetanoea of three of the senior and more experienced
                members of the staff.     The poeition improved in iray vfoen tha
                Government of India eventually granted dearqeaa allowance which

                to aome extent compensated for the altered condiiicna.       Ho
                allovanoee however were granted to any of tho officaro of the
                Indian Political Service.

                           It la Interacting to recall that owing t? proao of work
                and ehortag* of staff during the first three months of 1943 tha
                Confidential offiea received three afternoons* holiday, work
                otherwise proceeding continuously throughout that period,       A

                further feature which had showed itself earlier in the war now
                began to exerdae an inoreaelngly adverse effect,       For many years
                no attempt had been made to train up officers for the Gulf service,

                rad though a handful had acquired experience and languages of
                their om volition, they were in no way adequate for this highly
                teohnloal and responsible task.
                          Tht utmost oonfualon was caused by tha reduction of tha

               post of Aialstaat Englnaar vhloh had baen recommended in 1942.
               The Public Yorks Department naturally devolved Into a state of

               ohaoa, and no works ware undertaken, with tha result that tha
               buildings suffered greatly and all the grants for 1943 lapsed.
               On return to tha Gulf X immediately brought all possible pressure
               to bear upon tha Government of India for tha restoration of ths

               post» but no offloer oould be found to undertake It throughout .
               this y    9 so that idea overdue works wore finally put la band

               they toot many times what they would have dons if they had boon
               wonted at tho proper time • A ease la point is tho Buahiro
              aerodrome which was originally programed for 1942# but owing

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