Page 219 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 219
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to the absence of a Reoidcnoy Kaginocr wao ultimately oonetruoted i
by Kacpcax in 1943 at four tinea the earlier estimate* 8 to oka
of oooentlal engineering store* dwindled aa no freah purohaaea
wore nado and ware cither acquired In the following year with
the groatoot difficulty owing to enhanced ratea and export
restrlotlono or are atlll outatanding*
The total number of vehicle a produced by the U.K.C.O.
plant in Buohlro lo a military secret which the High Command
rofuaa:. to disolosc* Under the energetic guidance of Ur* Bode,
who had been lent by the A*I.o*C«, the somewhat ramshackle plant
produced remarkable results, and despite every discouragement
on the part cf the military authorities was producing nearly 80 '
vehicled a day when It was dosed down, a figure only just
equalled by the Khorramshahr plant which had overy facility that
America could provide* The other operations of the U.K*C«C*
did not, however, enhance the reputation of the British mercantile
community, and in Buohlre aa elsewhere, they left an unenviable
reputation for incompetence and peculation*
It would be agreeable to record that our Alllee were
cooperative ana considerate, but this wae not the case* Almost
without exception the American detachment and visiting American
officers whether of the Arcy or the olvll organisations showed
llttls desire .to oonsult their British colleagues or to cooperate
with them* The electrification cf the perimeter of their camp,
shloh was done without any intimation to the British Army or
civil authorities, recoiled upon their owi heads as the first
Ylotla waa an American soldier* ttielr behaviour varied from
unsatiefaotory to deplorable* At the fete given in aid of the
Persian Gulf Tighter Fund at Sabsabad, a number of articles
including opocne and forks were stolon from the house, apparently
by officers who penetrated the building* The drunkenness shown
by the men on this occasion was without parallel in Bushlrs*
dsQUhoro they coat to notice in an equally unsatisfactory manner,
and the incident of the feur American soldiers Who penetrated
the Governor's hcucs at Ehormmchahr one night and requited