Page 346 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 346

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                         Documents le/;elided          • • •   • • *  27
                         Certificates of origin and.Interest
                                                       issued  • • t  19
                         Fees Levied          • • •    • • •   ... £ 130/1/6.

                     (e) Official/ Celebrations
                         No official celebrations were held during the year ov:ln,j
                  to the existing war restrictions.    Calls v.ere however ::i*de on
                       Consul, by the civil and military officials and leading
                  .r.erchants of the town on New Yezr's Day ana on the occasion of
                  hCll, the Kind's Birthday.

                  II. VISITORS TO KERL’ATT
                     (a) British Subjects
                  1.     L'ajor Musa Khan, acting Security Officer, East Persia,
                  Zahldan| arrived on the 10th onu returned to Zahiasn two days
                  ieter.    -e sy:*in ps,id s visit to Kerman on June 12 th, returning
                  to ZT> hidan on June 15 th.
                  2.     Major G.A. Faqvi arrived, in Ker.i»an fron India on January
                  ilth ana left on the loth for To Aran to t-ke u. his appointment
                  as Attache for Indian Affairs at H.M. Embassy,     He passed
                  through Ker.ser again on the 5th December on his way to Z&fcidan.
                  3.     Mr. Joel, Consular Liaison Officer, Isfahan, who had .met
                  with an accident on the Yezd-Kerman Road on January 15th, reached
                  Keiwian on the s .T.e day and was admitted into the C.M.3. Hospital
                  to be treated for c:ncussion. Fe eventually left for Zahidan
                  on -January 25th, en route to Zabul.
                   •     Lieutenant Colon-si Roberts arrived from Isfahan on Jsnu ry
                  doth uni left for dahidan nd India on the following &ay.
                         Lieutenant Colonel Busk, CRE., Jast Persia, arrived on the
                  w •
                  24th and returned t. Zahiden on the 2Sth.
                         Captains Harper, ..'ilson am. Capel&nd arrived in Kerman on
                  the 2nd January to work with tine Roau Transport Deportment at
                  Kerman, Haniar Abba3 and Zafcicisn respectively. The latter two
                  officers left for their posts the folio*in* day.
                  ?.     Captain Forsythe, touring in connexion with grain control,
                  arrived from Zabul on February 5th ana left for Bandar Abbas on
                  February 7th. He returned to Kerman on February 10th and
                  proceeded to Shiraz the following day.
                  o.     Bishop and Mrs. Thomas arrived from Isfahan on February 12th
                  ana returned on the 22nd.
                         Uajor Stuart arrived on February 12th :nd left for on
                  February 16th.
                  10.    Major Bottoraley, late Grain Collection Officer at Shiraz,
                  arrxvea in Kerman on Larch 26th and left for India on the 23th.
                  11.    Captain Stanley, Supplies Officer, Zehidan, paid a visit to
                  Kerxan on tie 2»th March to enquire into the possibility of obtain­
                  ing supplies of fruit from this area for the troop3 in Zahidan.
                               w.«.T, Magan, accompanied by Miss Stephenson, arrived
                  in Kerman on April 3rd and left for India the next day.
                                    a^rived in Kerman on 11th April where he was
                 Earperi ° tn° R°ai Tr*anc?°i>t Department in audition to Captain
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