Page 409 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 409

            I. Muscat Defences.
                  The permanent defensive works of Muscat are in excellent condition
            and no essential repairs are necessary.  As stated in my report for 1943
            some minor repairs are required to Mlrani and Bait-al-Falaj forts,   This
            work consists mainly of "Facing" and "Pointing" and can only be carried out
            when cement becomes available.
                  The outer defences, consisting of Watch Towers and Sangars for pi­
            quets, have beon repaired where necessary and are in good condition.
                  The 12 pounder Naval gun which was salvaged from the "Dahpu" in 1943
            and presented by the R.I.N. is still unmounted at Bait-al-Falaj,. As
            reported last year, the services of a Naval Gunnery expert were required
            todieck the deficiencies and give advice as to the mounting of the gun.
            Several Naval Officers, including N.O.I.C., Hormuz, have been down to look
           at the gun but soihr nothing further has been done.
                  The two 2.75 and three 3 pounder guns are in serviceable condition.
           Various Gunnery instruments have been recieved which increase the efficiency
           and make accurate indirect fire possible. The present Gunner V.G.O. has
           now completed his two years with the Muscat Infantry ar.d has applied for
           reversion to his Unit, his reasons being that he thinks he is being passed
            over for promotion. T is is a common complaint of young V.O-Oldsent
           here and I think there is some foundation for their fears despite the Army
            Instruction to Regimental Centre commanders to the effect that they should
            ensure thc-t such V.C.O's are not Overlooked.
           2.     Patir.ah Coast.

                  Cnee more it has been impossible to carry out a full tour of the* Eatinah
           Coast owing to lack of Transport (the *.7ali of Mat rah was recently asked to
           pay eighteen hundred dollars for a tcur to Shinns and back over a period of
           a fortnight). This w?ll he dealt with more fully under "Launch" and "Motor
           Transport" paragraphs. The more important forts are, however, in reasonable
           repair and suitable for the role in which theyvould be employed.

           3. Launch.
                  Under this paragraph in the 1943 report I stated that it was my inten­
           tion to take the Launch to Karachi for a complete engine overhaul, all ar­
           rangements were made but at the last moment the Port Engineer. Karachi was
           unable to undertake the overhaul until many months later. Hermann and
           Mohatta were then approached but were unable to take the work owing to* pressure
           of Government work. In addition no Insurance Company in India would under­
           take the Insurance of the launch for a passage between Muscat and Karachi,
           thus the whole scheme fell through.
                  The launch is still being used regularly but requires a new Magneto,
           Plug leads and Plugs. The Cable and Tireless Company very kindly overhauled
           the Magneto to the best of their ability and it is working reasonably well,
           but I do not consider the Launch safe for long journeys until the above re­
           placements $ave heen ipade. Some form of worm has found its way into the
           hull below the waterline despite the f act that it has been carefully looked
           after. It is my opinion that the wood used originally could not have been
           seasoned teak.
           4* Wireless.
                 Please refer to my reports of 1942 and 1943.   The situation remains
           the some, nothing further can be done until an expert wireless engineer can
           be obtained. A so^alled expert, the R.A.F. wireless officer from Sharjah,
           came to look at the sets at the •beginning of the year and succeeded in burn­
           ing out two condensers and "blowing" two transmitting valves, he then left
           for Sharjah.
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