Page 404 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 404
Hajor operations woro carried out at tlic American Mission
Hospital Mattrah.
Smallpox - The epidemic continued till April. The last
four cases woro discharged from the quarantine camp at Rowi on
the 28th April.
The stationing of quarantine guards at the sou front at
Mattrah and the toll bar at Rcv/i has proved effective.
The liar am il Quarantine Station has sufficient accommodation
in a store shed for infectious cases requiring isolation.
Lymph for vaccination has been regularly received but
very often much after the time when it could be classed as
No infectious diseases were reported from ships in harbour.
Enteric fevers Five cases of typhoid occurred in
Muscat. One died.
TAB inoculation was carried out where possible.
No other infectious disease was reported.
(a) Tribal.
Fight between the Diru and I-Tanazrah tribes. - In March
trouble broke out in Fhnhirah between t'nc Duru ard I.Ianazrah
tribes which resulted in the latter sustaining 12 casualties.
Shaikh Suleiman bin Kamyar of.the Jabal Akhdar and the Imam
intervened, and imposed a fine of £ 4,000 on the Duru tribe.
Half of this sum was entered in the Bait al Mai account, and
the balance paid to the Manasrah tribe as bloodmoney for the
Trouble between Bani Kagan and Awamir. - In the month
of July a dispute arose between the Bani Hasan of Boshar and
the Awamir of Sib. Efforts we re mace by both Saiyid Ahmad bin
Ibrahim, Minister for Internal Affairs, arid Ismail bin Khalil
Ar Rassassi, the Chief wali, to reconcile the parties but
these proved unsuccessful. Eventually the Minister for
Internal Affairs called on Shaikh Mohsin bin Zahran As Siyabi
of Oman, the Imam's representative at Nafa* to mediate. This
proved successful.
Ja'alan /if fairs. - The I man of Oman received Information
that Shaikh All bin Abdullah al Hamudah, Amir of Ja'alan, was,
through his ’>adhis, endcavo’iring to persuade the Bani Bu Hasan
to adopt the Hanbali creed and drop that of the Abadhi's^ He
proceeded to Ja^alan and asked the Amir to refrain from these
activities' and punish the offenders. Later the Imam appointed
a representative in Ja'alan to guard, the Bani Bu Hasan
(b) Local.
Shaikh Saif bin Hamad al Aghbari was appointed during
the year Chief Qadhi of Muscat Court in placo of the late
Shaikh Isa bin Salih.
Ali bin Mudhaffar, lately Wali of Shinas and Wall
designate of Saham was appointed Y/ali of*Luwa in the place
of Saiyid Nasar bin Hamood who was suddenly dismissed.
The employees of the Customs Dopartmont struck during the