Page 400 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 400

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                     (ii)   In the early part of the year a comparatively serioue
                    smallpox epidemic ocourred at Sharjah and Dubai during whioh
                    several thousand vaccinations woro carrlod out. Prompt

                    action by the politioal and modlcal authorities resulted
                    in the outbreak bolng rapidly brought under control. a
                    further threat at Raa-al-Khalnah lator in the your resulted
                    in the vaccination of 2,400 pooplo in the Ras-al-Khaimah —

                    Rons area and the almost immediate control of the diooase.
                    (iii)   Civilian motor transport, except in the case of a
                    very few curs owned by the more important Shaikhs, has baooae
                    a  thing of the past on the Truoiol Coast. Lorries and cars

                    which normally plied for hire were still awaiting spare parts
                    at the end of the year and the donkey has once more come into
                    his own.
                    (iv)  The ccapanios formed at Dubai and Oharjah to organize

                    the distribution of cereals and a further commercial body
                    constituted specifically for the control of piecogcods havo
                    functioned with conspicuous success throughout the year. The
                   conpanios dealing r.dth cereals havo also been entrusted, under

                    the gcnoral supervision of the British political Authorities,
                   with tho operation of the barter system which is designed to
                   encourago the import of goods not otherwise available locally
                   and wfcioh are essential for the wellbeing of the people/provi­

                   ding for export authorised quantities of goods in demand
                   outside the Trucial coast.
                   (v) The pearling season was on the whole not particularly

                   successful although the local representative in Dubai of llossrs.
                   Dhaaanaal Issard&s and Brothers, Ur. Qunshaa D**, 1* reported
                   to have invested some twelve laos of rupees for the second

                   year running. The number of bouts which wont out was less
                   than last year for the reasons already mentioned in conneotion
                   with Bahrain, that is to say, steady employment on land
                   provided by the building programmes of the Royal Air Force and

                   the Uhlted states Air Transport Corps at tharjoh induoed a
                  jKzbor of divers to rernin on shore*
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