Page 399 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 399

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          th® Good which th® visit to Bahrain had don® and by th® end
          of tho yaar ho had not returned and thor® seemed llttl® likelihood
          of his undo the Regent having sufficient force of character to
          Insist on his doing so#

       2w pRITISH Tr7TKR7WT3
                Thoro Is no doubt that tho friendly relations which hay®
          existed for many years with the Rulers of the Truciol Coast have
          now been extended not only to the more remote tribal shaikhs,
          in particular Shaikh Kohaned bin All bln Kura id in the paramount

          shaikh of the Deni *,itab with whoa our relations are now well
          established, but to the people of tho toms and villages*        The
          country is opening up and the inhabitants of the remoter parts
          of tho interior are becoming accustomed to the sight of military

          vehicles, aircraft, and anti-locust parties carrying on their
          multifarious works and duties*
      3. srnppiNQ
                During tho year under report there was some dissatisfaction
          particularly at Sharjah with tho failure of tho Uar shipping

          Administration or whatever body was responsible to arrange for
          a regular service to the Trucial coast both from and to India*
         The situation had improved towards the end of the year and it is
          recorded that a total cf 33 ships called at Sharjah and the sane

          number at Dubai during tho period under review*       It oust however
         be born® in mind that a number of these vessels were military
          transports and naval vessels which put in exclusively on official

         (i)    Subscriptions towards the budding of a hospital at Dubai
         had by the end of the year reached the considerable total of
         Ks*1,93,007.   Owing to the inpossibility of obtaining suitable

         building materials, in particular iron girders and cement from
         India or alsewhere9 no progress could be made other than the
         securing of an admirable site for the hospital*       The funds

         subscribed have therefore been placed in the Rational Bunk <cf
         India in Bombay to await more spacious days* •
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