Page 403 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 403

                                 THE YEAR, 1944.

                                    PART I
              Political Agent          Captain R. D. Metcalfe, from 1st
                                       January to 31st October.

                                       Lieutenant Colonel A.C.Galloway ,0.B.E •,
                                       from 1st November till the end of
                                       the year.
              Assistant Political
              Agent       • •          Captain R.E.R. Bird from 1st January
                                       to 7th October.
                                       Mr. R. I. Hallows from 11th October
                                       till the end of the year.
              Treasury Officer         Mr. Ras Masud, from 1st January to
                                       31st March.
                                       Itr, Fazal Khah, from 1st April to
                                       31st October.

                                       Mr. K. D. Bhasin, from 1st November
                                       till the end of the year.
              Medical Officer          Assistant Surgeon C. 3. Hynes, I.LT.D.  j
                                       from 1st January to 15th June.

                                       Captain A.G.T. Mathews, I.A.M.C.,
                                       from 16th Juno till tuc cni of the
      II. r3DIC;J,
              Agency Hospital
                 The hospital has sufficient accommodation for indoor
           cases.   ward furniture requires repair ana replacement, which
           can only be done satisfactorily after the war.
                 The supply of special drugs, dressings and appliances by
           the Medical Stores at Bombay has been curtailed but ordinary
           supplies are suffielent.

              Staff - Medical Officer, Assistant Surgeon, Compounder and
           three male dressers.
                 The hospital v/as open throughout the year,     The attendances
           v/ere as under
                                                1943          1944
           Outdoor new eases        • •        4,734         6,597
           Indoor admissions        • •          108           147
           Major operations         •.            11
           Minor operations         • •           28            35
                 The chief causes of illness were malaria, venereal
           diseases, eye diseases, deficiency diseases, minor soptic aai
           respiratory diseases.

                 Anti-malaria measures v;crc carried out by tho State
           authorities. Fish Wfere introduced into wcll6 and open tanks*
           The lack of Pyre thrum for spraying inside buildings was a
           serious handicap. The supply of shark liver oil, although
           received late, was a great help in dealing with deficiency
           diseases and oven in ulcer eases and oyc diseases.
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