Page 415 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 415
Commontary on Tablea J and 2.
Tho ratio has been worked out per 1000 in order that comparison may
be made with Units of tho British and Indian Army at Homo and abroad, in
which all ratios are 30 calculated.
It is common knowledge that Malaria, V.D., Dysentery, Diarrhoea and
Minor septic diseases are classed as Preventable Diseases.
From a glanco at the above tables these diseases, except dysentery arid
diarhoea, show a very high ratio, but this must not be attributed to any
negligence, but rather to a want of weapons to combat these infections.
Malari a. TJhen it is realised fc
_______ Shows the highest infection rate.
that recruitment into this Unit is from Muscat and Matrah where Malaria
is rampant, it can easily be understood how infection is carried into the
lines. The store-house of infection is the man who goes to see his
people residing In one of the above towns, The C.O. cannot order "Mos-
quito nets down at sunset" for there are no Mosquito nets, Nor can he
order "Long trousers on at sunset,? when slacks are he possession of only
the opulent. Shirt-sleeves are however worn down from sunset to sunrise.
The C.O. does however order all standing water to be grained, all Utility
collections of water to be changed every seven days and wells '•fished0.
Anti-mosquito cream is available and used but we hope some day to have
mosquito nets, etc. as weapons in our campaign.
V.D. The actual figures though high are a pleasant surprise to
those who know the uxorious nature of the people here and around.
There are no social amenities or amusements for the men of the Infantry,
except games which are encouraged, otherwise there is nothing, I my
capacity as M.O. of the A ency Hospital I am daily in touch with the Civil
Population and.know how high veneral incidence amongst the women is. In
addition there are no P.A. rooms, no P.T. outfits and condon is Unknown.
It is hoped that these measures will be taken up when the var is over.
Bowel Diseases. I^sentery and Diarrhoea have a low ratio, This
is also surprising when it is realised that Matrah and Muscat are the Flied
paradise. It can therefore be surmised that the isolated site of the Fort
and the attention to hygiene in the Lines are factors reducing bowel
Minor Septic Diseases. Under this head are included the ulcers
which are and have been the most disgusting sight that one sees daily
everywhere. These ulcers respond rapidly to Anti-Syphilitic treatment and
thereby prove hereditary syphilis in many persons. Here one might also
include men who are placed in the next heading, deficiency diseases. There
is no doubt that Vitamin deficiency is a vital factor in the ulcer cases.
I have noticed that chaplis when first issued cause a large number of abras
ions on the men1s feet.
.Deficiency Diseases. Many are the men who might easily have been
shown sick under this clause. It is a common complaint one hears "my
legs ache", "my back hurts and I feel weak". The men are not malingering
but are truthfully exposing a neutotic condition brought on by lack of
vitamin. The food of the soldier in the Infantry Is far better than he
would get in his home, nevertheless during summer months there ie a lack of
vegetables and there must therefore be a rise in deficiency diseases.
The C.O takes a great intorest in the vegetable garden at Ruwi. .
Good vegetables are available for the men during the winter and this along
with the free good ration has, to my mind, helped recruiting which is now
on the rise. Anti-scorbutic tablets as an issue would I feel sure greatly