Page 417 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 417
13. Buildings.
Minor repairs have been carried out to the Barracks. A number of
new roof beams are required but are unobtainable except at an exorbitant
figure. The buildings are, at present, in no way dangerous.
During the early part of the year a portion of the roof of the Fort
collapsed and an ominous crack appeared in the west.wall, both of the?e
have now been repaired.
During the early part of December serious damage was caused to the
Falaij and ±fc ±x its"feeders" which supply the Fort with water from Ruwi
by heavy rain. A large portion between the Fort and the Aerodrome collapsed
and a considerable amount of underground work was necessary to clear the
obstruction. The main Falaij is now clear and *fcork is proceeding on the
"feeder" channels. In addition the Falaij collapsed beneath the Soda
factory and the L!a3jid, fortunately without damage to the buildings.
This has already been cleared and repaired.
All work is done by our own pioneers.