Page 421 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 421
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Ironlan ITnvy.— The Navy is 6till extinct and the Naval Base
In*"the charge of the Allied Military authorities.
Security.— Pilferage has been widespread emong commercial
and military cargoes landed at the port. The profits to be
gained by this means have led to the formation of a number of
gangs which, though they are kept reasonably well in check
so long as Allied Military forces remain here, nay become a
menace to security after the War, more particularly as
cessation of Aid to Russia Work will throw out of employment
a large number of coolies collected here from the interior
during the past two years, who have hitherto been assured of
constant and lucrative employment.
General.— Apart from a scare at the beginning of the year
that Shaikh Chassib, eldest son of the late Sheikh of
Mohammerah was endeavouring to raise the tribes against the
Persian Authorities, there has been little tribal activity.
This scare fizzled out almost as soon as it was started and
was never of any serious consequence.
Disarmament.— At the end of the year disarmament operations
were carried out by the Persian General Officer Commanding
in Ahwaz and resulted in the collection of about SOCO rifles.
The town areas of Khorrsnshahr and Abadan were however left
untouched and it is possible that there is still a considerable
number of arms hidden away, which may yet present the police
with a serious security problem.
his Majesty's Consul,