Page 541 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 541
Notes on the working of uararitine on the Arab Coast of the
Persian Gulf for the >ear 1945 .
An inspection was ,-ade by the Residency Surgeon of the Hospitals
Dispensaries e<nd Quarantine stations at Kuwait, Bahrain, iru&cat, Dubai
and Sharjah.
2. There are recognised quarantine stations at Kuwait, Bahrain
and Muscat.
The permanent Quarantine station at Kuwait is at present occ
upied by the R.A.F. and tents are being used as a temporary measure.
The one at Bahrain is good.
The one at Muscat wa& very oadly damaged by a rain storm but
Is being repaired.
3. At Ducai and bharjah temporary grass huts are used as isolation
camps for iniecticus and contagious cases when an epidemic occurs.
The erection and running cf these camps are carried out by the Shaikhs
under the advice of the medical officer and on the cessation of the
epidemic the huts are burnt.
4. Kuwait, Bahrain and Muscat are well run ay the Quarantine
medical officers there
5. No epidemics occurred during the year on the arab coast, though
there were' a few sporadic cases at Bahrain, 14 cases during the whole
Residency Surgeorf-and Chief Major A.L. Greenv/ay M.B.E
Quarantine Medical officer, I .M ,D • •»
Arab Coast. IT.R.C.S •» L.R.C.P. (lond).
Quarantine Medical officer l6t Clas6 Assistant Surgeon
Kuwait. C.E. Hynes I.l'.D.
Quarantine Medioal of.fioer Lieut. k.L.A. Steele. i,v..D.
Quarantine Medical Officer Captain A.G.T. Matthews
Major 1,11,D# '
Residency Surgeon Buehire,