Page 537 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 537

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            Farmandar (continued)
                    Since its inception in 1943, no separate budget
            has been sanctioned for the Military Governorate.
            Judiciary,— Aghai Ashraf Ahmedi held the appointment
            of President of the Abadan Court throughout the year.

            Police.— Sarhang (Colonel) Yighar was Chief of Police,
            Abadan, throughout the year.
                    Sarwan (Captain) Hussain Nikokar was Chief of
            Police, Khorramshahr, throughout the year.
            Gendarmerie.— Sarwan (Captain) Reza Hakimi was Chief
            of Gendarmerie, Khorramshahr and Abadan, till the month
            of July, when he was succeeded by Captain Bamlmi.
            Health.— Dr. Reza Nighabat held the appointment of.
            Quarantine and Medical Officer throughout the year.
                    In April, a severe epidemic of typhus took a
            heavy toll of life in the district of Shadegan.

                    A noticeable decrease in the number of mosquitos
            is probably due to the spraying with crude oil, of all
            the creeks and stagnant pools in Khorramshahr, by the
            Municipality.— Aghai Mahmud Darwish was Mayor of
            Khorramshahr till the 28th November, when he was succeeded
            by Aghai Shukrullah Manuchchri.
                    In April, the Central Government sanctioned the
            levy of new*.taxes by the Municipality.
                    The Karun embankment, begun in January, was
            completed by the end of the year*

                    In the Spring, the construction of a new drainage
            system, and the asphalting of roads was begun. The end
            of the year saw the completion of the asphalting of most
            of the lanes inside the town, and of the pavements only
            along the main streets.

            Trade and Commerce.— The institution of a Chamber of
            Commerce for Khorramshahr and Abadan was sanctioned by
            the Central Government. In May? elections to a nine-
            member committee took place, and Aghai Abraishamkar  was
            elected President. The Chamber's first meeting was held
            in June.

                    In July, shares were floated for the formation of
            a trading company, to be named "The Khuzistan Commercial
            and Engineering Company", which would deal mainly with
            imports and whose endeavour it would be to centralise
            trade in Khuzistan. There is still no indication that
            the required capital has been subscribed.

            location.— Aghai All Asghar Fayyas was Director of
            Education throughout the year.
                       April, the Education Department closed one of
            its primary schools from lack of accommodation.

                                                              The re-opening
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