Page 532 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 532
no cases of Heat Effects or Hoat Exhaustion occurred, but un
doubtedly the large numbers of men who suffered from ulcers,
relapses of malaria, and thoso unable to recover from the most
trivial of injuries, was due to a very lowered vitality fol
lowing a severe summer, The reason Heat Effects etc. were
not contracted was duo to the lay-out of Barrack Rooms which
always had fresh currents of air passing through and at no time
had a more humid atmosphere than the outside air.
Actual Ratio per 1000
1945 1944 1945 1944
Average strength 300 300 (excluding 1C# on leave)
of Unit
Total admitted to 111 Not recorded 370.00
Average constantly 3 Not recorded 10.00
sick in hospital
Sick in Barracks 506 328 1687.00 1093-30
Average constantly 14 Not recorded 46.60
sick in Barracks
Deaths in hospital 1 Nil 3.39
Deaths out of hos 1 1 3.30 3.30
Discharged as medi 4 5 13-30 16.30
cally unfit
Actual Ratio per 1000
1945 1944 1945 1944
Malaria 174 93 580.06 310.96
Syphilis 8 27 26.66 90.00
Gonorrhoea 9 43 30.06 143.30
Diseases of diges 15 7 50.00 23.30
tive system
Diseases of respi 18 13 60.00 43.30
ratory system
Diseases of the eye 13 11 43.33 36.60
Dysentery 10 9 33.33 30.00
Diarrhoea 4 7 13-30 23.30
Minor septic 163 51 643.33 170.06
Local injuries 49 36 163.33 120.00
Infectious fevers Nil 3 10.00
All other causes 23 7 76.66 23.30