Page 527 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 527

report on ire muscat infantry
                         FOR THE YEAR 1945-

         1. Muscat Defencoo.
                There Is nothing to add to last year's report, the de­
         fences are in good condition and nothing other than minor re-
         pairs are required,   It is proposed to remove one 3 Pdr. gun
         from Eait-al-Fhlaj to the vicinity of the Mutrah Fort, where it
         will be in a position to cover the town of Mutrah and all entrances
         from the Batinah direction and also the coa6t road from Muscat to
                A revision in the defensive system will become necessary
         in the event of there being any alteration in the strength and
         armament of the Force, as the siting of piquets will be changed.
         This will also be affected by the i!.T. situation..

                The situation regarding the 12 Pdr. "Dahpu" Naval gun
         remains static.  After the first burst of enthusiasm by the
         Navy nothing further has happened, and it rather looks as if it
         is to become a permanent monument in the same way as the Dahpu
         herself who continues to disfigure the harbour.
                The two 2.75 guns are in serviceable condition although
         the supply of spare parts asked for in 1944 has not been received.
         It is presumed that these are in very short supply as, so far as
         Is knoY/n, this gun is not used anywhere else except by the
         Tochi Sccuts who have some, I believe as Post guns at Miranishah
         and Datta Khel in the Tochi valley in Waziristan.

         2. Launch.
                The launch has been out of order since March as a new
         Magneto was required. The old Magneto was repaired in Karachi
         but proved unsatisfactory. A new one was obtained from Bahrein
         at the beginning of December and the launch is new running
               A number of planks were replaced in the under water part
         of the hull during the summer, but a considerable number still
         require replacing dwing to worms. A new keel is also required
         (see Annual Report for 1943). It Is considered that the present
         under water part of the hull will give at least another year* a
         service, and it is my opinion that further repairs would be
         a watte of time and money until seasoned teak and copper nails
         become available. The iron nails used in repairs a few months
         ago have already started "weeping1 •
         3. Wirelesjg.

               There has been no change In the situation,   Various
         firms have been approached with a view to having the sets put
         in order and providing a suitable wireless mechanic to install
         them, and to obtain operators, but no satisfactory answers have
         been peceived. The Cable and Wireless Company are of the opi­
         nion that itisdoubtful whether a sufficiently highly qualified
         man could be obtained for much under Rs.800/- p.m.

               The makers, the Premier Radio Company have been add­
         ressed a number of times with a view to obtaining blueprints
         of the sets as none were sent with the sets, hut no answer
         has been received.

         _       • Howell of the Cable and Wireless Company very kindly
         looked at the sets and is of the opinion that repairs to tbs damaged
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