Page 530 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 530
(o) Weapon Training: Tho otandard is generally good.
All officers and men_ armed with the pistol fired tho Course
as laid down, "There were two failures. Both these men passed
after further practice.
We are suffering at present from the lack of a properly
qualified Armourer, our own having deserted in India.
Requests are being made for a replacement from India.
It is believed that the Baluch Regt. who have helped us in the
past may possibly be able to provide a suitable man.
Grounds Training has been carried out but practice with
"live" bombs was not possible As our indents for 1944 had not
been filled. This has now been rectified and Bombs and Detona
tors have been received.
Recruit Course.
Total T.G. Good Fair Average
55 2 26 7 20
Trained Soldiers. S.S.
190 190
Snipers Course S.S.
30 30 Course I Class II Class III Class
60 27 31 2
Pistol Course. S.S.
18 18
6. Clothing and equipment.
TTe are complete in every respect and have stocks on hand
sufficient for at least 18 months to 2 years. Supplies this
year have been easier to obtain but most of the clothing being
sent is "Part Worn", It is pesumed that this is due to Battle-
dress having replaced the Bush Shirt.
7. Ammunition.
Tjjm Expended Received Balance.
.303 Ball 20034 20284 312419
.303 Blank 406 Hil 3960
.303 Tracer 224 Hil 2768
.455 Pistol 391 HU 2214
•455 Sub-machine
gun Nil 4000 5800
Grenades 4 no 212
Ballistite 4 152 424
2.75 23 250 717
3 Pdr. HU 144 547
8. Transport.
(a) Animal: The M.G. Donkeys are in good condition and
fit for their work. The cost of grain still remains very high.
The horses,