Page 581 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 581


          Shaikh13 following lias been considerably strengthened by
          the  inclusion of Shaikhs Abdulla al Mubarak and Abdulla
          al Jabir*    The first meeting was held on the 21st
          September and wn3 attended by His Highness* It is likely
          that this Assembly will go the same way as the one it

                    (b) MEDICAL.
                    (I) The Kuwait Government Medical Department
          remained under the supervision of the Syrian Dr. Yahya
          Hadidi and of Dr. fadhil, an Egyptian. The letters’ «*_
          who is a lady doctor is also working with the Kuwait
          Government. Work on the new hospital has been resumed on
          a  restricted scale due to the scarcity of building material
          and it is hoped that the building will be ready by the end
          of 1947.
                    (ii) Over 62,000 men and 32,000 women were treated
          as out-patients and 547 men and 227 women as in-patients
          in the American Mission Hospital,       975 operations of all
          sorts were performed.
                    During the year Dr. 5c Mrs. L.R. Scudder were
          transferred to Amarah and Rev. 5c Mrs. DeJong left for
          America on furlough. However, Dr. -Maurice Heusinkveld and
          wife have arrived and Dr. Mary -Allison has returned to
          take charge of the womens* hospital.
                    Plans have been laid to build a new mens* hospital
          at a cost of 3i- lacs to take 60 patients.
                    (iii) 23,525 patients were treated in the Agency
          Charitable Dispensary, the most common diseases being of
          the eye and skin. This total represents a v<=ry consider­
          able i'nzrrana advance on previous years, chiefly due to the
          increased supply of drugs 'which it has bean possible to
                    (iv)     There was no           epidemic and the
          health of the town remained generally good. Incidence of
          tubercolosis remained high and many of the victims were
          sent to Sanitoria in the Lebanon and Syria.
                    (c)      EDUCATION.
                    Dr. Sadiq Hamdi held the post of Director of
          Education up to the end of September, 1946 when he was
          replaced by another Egyptian, Taha Sufi,        The change was
          made by the Egyptian Education authorities without reference
          to Kuwait a3 a result of complaints laid against Kandi by
          his Egyptian subordinates.
                    There are now 5 boys* and 2 girls* schools in the
          town with an attendance roll of 1651 and 5S4 respectively.
          Of the 70 male teachers 13 are Egyptian and 57 are Kuwaiti,
          and of the 19 female teachers 7 are Egyptian, 4 Syrian, 3
          Lebanese, and 5 Kuwaitis. There are a further 7 boys’
          schools with 300 pupils outside the town of Kuwait.
                    Early in the year the Education Department brou/dit
          out a monthly newspaper called "AL-TALIB**. The newspaper,
          which is edited by 5 students and is printed in Baghdad,
          deals mainly with educational matters and local news.
          * i .             the year the Kuwait Government continued
          resideain the hostel ln Cairo wher« 57 Kuwaiti students

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