Page 580 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 580
of the European Community, and many of the leading
(e) Shaikh Abdulla al Ahmed remained in charge
of the Arsenal.
(f) Shaikh Cubah as Salim remained Chief of Police.
He went to the Levant to escape the rigours of Ramadhan.
(e) Shaikh ?.!ubarak al Hamad al Mubarak remained
Chief of the Port of Kuwait.
(h) Shaikh Mohammed al Ahmed ccr.t5r.uc’d tc .'ive in
Basra and to manage His Highness' properties in Iraq.
(i) Shaikh Pahod as Salim who is a member of the
Advisory Council remained ostensibly un-employed during
the period under review, He was, however, 3een almost
daily in the Revenue Department.
U) Shaikh Dueij as Salman al Kamood married one
of the daughters of His Highness on the 13th April.
There occurred nothing to mar the Pblitical Agent’s
relations with the Shaikh which remained cordial. His
Highness and his subjects very much resented the restrict
ions placed by the Iraqi Administration on the issue of
Iraqi visas to Kuwaitis, and he felt that the British
Embassy in Baghdad should be able to bring sufficient
pressure on the Iraqi Administration to induce then to
relax the rules in favour of Kuwaitis. AnothYsore point
has been the unending litigation with the Iraqi authorities
over the Date Gardens, which has been dealt with under
paragraph VII.
(a) General.
As a result of persistant pressure the Revenue
Department has produced a statement purporting to be a
budget for the year 1365 (6th December, 1945 to 24th
November, 1946). The salient points gleaned from it are
that the income of the Department for the year was
Ks 19,43,333 out of which ZZ'Jo was appropriated by the As-
Subah as their salaries and those of their domestic
establishments. Ihcome from Customs which should be 4fS of
the value of imports amounted to ns 13,37,792/6/-
The Shaikh has continued to direct the foreign
affairs of the State singlehanded and to preside over the
Municipality. The Consultative Assembly which had almost
atrophied was resuscitated in September, 1946 and the
following members were it:-
Shaikh Abdulla as Salim, C.I.E. (President)
Shaikh Abdulla al Jabir, C.I.E.
Shaikh Abdulla al Mubarak, C.I.E.
Shaikh Jfehad as Salim.
Yusuf Alghanim
Yusuf Abdullatif al Hamad.
Yusuf Saleh Humaidhi.
Khalid as Zaid.
Nusf Yusuf an Nu^f.
Abdul Hamid as Sana.
Yusuf Ad3ani.
Ahmed Abdulkarim Abul.
It is notable for the fact that the Shaikh’s