Page 575 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 575
treatraont havs had to go to India or tho interior.
]!ognus Oxido Minos., Mon, Bulakh hold charge of operations
throughout tho year aa engineer in charge, The mines have boen
working continuously and producod about 6500 ton3 of red oxide
which wq3 shipped by five Stride ship3, A3 tho demand is on
tho incroa30 the authorities oxpect to Increase their production.
Fish Canning Factory,
Aqoi Muhandis liuhsin Rudachi hold charge as manager
throughout the year.
The factorj'’ worked for only about two months In the
Persian year ending 1324 and could not produce fi3h in appreci
able quantities. It started again in 1325 and Is expected to
pay its expanse3. Last year losses ran into over a million rials, Mills.
On account of strikes instigated by the Tudeh, the
sill3 remained closed for nearly 2 months in the middle of the
year and It is believed that Mr. K. Khurk suffered great loss on
this account, with the appointment of <5*. C, N. Knowles as
manager production has greatly improved.
Saipan Ghaffari was 0,C. from 1,1,46 to 12.6.46,
Sargurd 2«hrus Jiahjoob from 13.6.46 to 11.3.46, Sargord Abbas
Boor Keihan from 12.3.46 to 5.11,46 and Sargord Soleimani from
6.11.46 to the end of the year.
The garrison at Fin was abolished but reposted on
a representation fro- the people of the area. In December, during
Sargor Soleinani’s tenure four conscripts committed suicide on
account of maltreatment by their superiors. Two others who also
attempted to kill themselves were saved. Feople are still un-
-willing to bo conscripted end prefer to pay for temporary exernp-
Sarvan Khalil Pasha Khan Salahshocr was O.C. Gen-
-daraarie from 1.1.46 to 15,5,46 and Sarvan Mohssn Fathi from
16.5,46 to the end of the year.
There has been no improvement worthy of report.
Holdups of lorries on the main roads have been
frequent during Sarvan Fathi,s tenure and all roads are infested
with brigands. Petty theft on the caravan road to Mlnab and
the surrounding villages was discouraged after the arrest made by
Sarvan Salahshoor early in the year. Corruption is rife as usual.
Internal Securltr^
Some robberies took place in the town, and the
Bandar Abbas-Kerman motor road was infested by brigands throughout
the yerr. In the middle of June there was some unrest in the
tribal area near ulinab when Mirza Anoushirvanl, son of the late
Idir Barkat, was preparing an attack on All Jalal Nik Khan, the
Chief of the Tahurz&i tribe. But before occurrence of arw clash
the parties reached an agreement*
.. - All Mohammad All Mellat Khan, the outlaw of Fin, in
spite of several threats of recommencing his activities has 9
remained quiet awaiting the Government decision regarding hi*