Page 571 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 571

           Ho also was pro-Tudoh and, during hi3 po.'iod of office, tbs Party
           practically controlled the Department.
            (q) Municipality, 'Aqai Hirza All Afsahzadeh, the present Sfcahr-
            -dar, succeedod Aghai Mustafavi on 1.8.46. he appesrs to have pro-
            British convictions, ne3 done little to improve conditions in the
            tom. Devotes most of hi3 time to dutie3 asiigned to him by the
            Democrat Party, ^embers of the Municipal Board elected in December
           1955 have not yet been able to get down to their work owing to Party
               _________ Dr. Eassan Murshid, former Director of Health,
            (10) Health,
               relieved by Dr. Mohammad 3ina on 1.9.46. The latter is very
           junior and still officiates in the post, ."as appointed by Dr. lezdi,
           the then Tudeh Minister of Health, for his pro-Russian tendencies.
           Is inexporienced and inefficient.
           _______________ Aqai Mohammad Tabatabai, the present Rais-i-
            (11) Industry,
           Fisha wa Honar ( Arts and Industries Department ) succeeded Aqai
           Hejnabadi On 30.3.46. Sadly lacks the intelligenc^and knowledge
           required for one in hi3 post*
            (12)       The Kerati, Darakhshan and Ikbal Mills suffered
           grieveouily during the year at the hands of the Tudetj who literally
           controlled the management of these mills when the movement was at
           Its height. The effects of unauthorised strikes, absenteeism, un-
           - economic wage increases ar.d shorter working hours have had their
           ill effects on the mills which have not even yet recovered from their
           financial losses and they are still running at a loss.

           VI. TJLITARY.
                       with the exception of a Conscription Officer, Colonel
           Mobayan, and his staff, no ether military personnel are stationed'
           in this district. Conscripts are sent to for serving their

           '/II.  GZ’yp.--?."A:vI£.
                       Major Yadulleh Tian, Chief of the Gendarmerie, held the
           post through the year. Severed esses cf highway robbery and dacoitios
           occurred during the year and not a single culprit ras located or
           arrested. Gendarmerie posts at certain points stop all traffic at
           inconvenient places away from 1 chaikhanehs 1 and extract money from
           drivers and passengers or prevent then from proceeding.

           '/III. CO'IRBTTCATICES.
                       Very little interest apeears to. be taken in the proper
           maintenance of the Kercan-Isfahan road which is in a bad state of
           repair owing to neglect, and breakdowns of motor traffic are common.
           Reads leading from Taft and Dehbala have been reduced to mere tracks
           through the same cause.
           n. sco:ic::ic conditions.

                       The cost of living remains as high as a year or ttfe
           ago and owing to the drought and scarcity of water for irrigation
           the harvest was poor and only sufficient to supply the area!^ieed
           for about 2 months. A large quantity of wheat had therefore   to be
           imported from the adjoining provinces of Fare and Isfahan.   The
           Government also allowed the import of 4500 tons of wheat from
           Hamadan which relieved the situation. The handlooa Industry which
           supports about 50jl of the population practically lest one of its
           main narkots during the period of unrest in Azerbaijan and the three
           local mills are still running at a loss as a result of the Tudeh
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