Page 570 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 570

            (b)         ^qal Ibrahim Kotal held charge of the A.I.O.C.
            Department until 9th November and was relieved by Aqai Ilidayatullah
            Zamandnr who hold charge until the end of the year. Thore are two
            gub-dopots at Taft and Apdekan and oupplies were maintained oatis-
            -faotorlly during the year*
               («)      Ko foreign Interests are rppresented in this area.
               (b)      The market Is flooded with consumer goods of American
            manufacture mostly crockery, metal utensils, haberdashery and
            hosiery all of which are expensive.
            V. LOCAL G073HTn.C:iT.
                        Aqai Ahmad SadrI who held the post of Fnrmandar for
            about 4 years was suspended in the first week of January and recalled
            to Tehran. He was relieved by Aqai Ismail Bahadur on the 8th
            January, who wa3 also recalled to Tehran and his relief Aqai iaudabir
            -i- Noori, arrived in Yezd on the 15th December.
                       Sadri remained in office entirely throughmsi: the
            strong support of the T&heris and Jalilis who dominated other
            political parties in Yezd until the coming of the Tudeh, who worked
            for his removal. He was intelligent but corrupt.
            (2)        Aqai Ismail Bahadur was Farraandar for 11 months during
            which the Tudeh Party reached the Might of their power. He showed
            great, weakness in dealing with the Tudeh, the leader of which more
            than once Insulted him in public in the presence of large crowds.
            At times he made pro-Rusrian utterances and openly criticised the
            policy of the British Government. Hi3 removal was not regretted.
            (3)        Aqai Mudabbir-i-Noori held charge as Farmandar until
            the end of the year. He considers he ought to be holding a more
            senior post and has made recommendations that Yezd be raised to
            the status of an Ustandari.

            (4)        Aqai -'urtaza Az&rbegi was appointed as officer in
           charge of the Finance gni Food Department on 19th January.
           Appears to be pro-3ritish but is corrupt.
           (5)         After the departure on leave and subsequent transfer
           of Aqai Llehdi Sajjadi In Hay, the post of Rais-i-Dadgustari
           remained vacant. Hone, It is understood, was willing to take up
           the post owing to fear of the Tudeh. A new incumbent, however,
           arrived from Tehran on the 18th November and held charge until
           the end of the year.
           (6)         Hajor Mashallah Shakiba took charge as Head of the
           Police Department from Sar7an Sharifi on 1st Uay and remained in
           office until the end of the year. He is inefficient, lacks courage
           and Is corrupt, and burgalaries and thefts In the town have become
           very common.
           (7)  Posts and Telegraphs. During the year four different officials
           held the post of Head of the posts and Telegraphs for short per-
           -iods. They were Aqai 2£istakin, Ali-i-Daood, Abdul All Uisdaki and
           Sehatpoor. The last named was posted to Yezd on 10th November and
           passes the subject matter of all incoming and outgoing telegrams
           to the F.'rmandar. Be belongs to the Democrat Party.
           (8)  Director >of Education. Aqai Attahi held the post until 22.4*46
           when partly due to his relationship with Syed Zia and partly to his
           Tudeh intrigues he was thrown cut of office. His successor Dr.
          All Akbar Sharif officiated in the post from 23.4.46 to 20.12.46. He
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