Page 565 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 565

         (l) Municipality*
                      Jqai Adi Isfandyari, the Farmandar, conducted the
          affairs of tho Municipality, in addition to his own duties,
          until the end of April when Aqai Sadik Nawab cf Yezd, arrived
          in Korean in tho capacity of Chief of the Municipality. The
          Municipality have for long been short of funds much to the
          dotriment of the town but with the help of Dr. Bakai, leader
          of tho local Democrat Party, Nawab succeeded in getting the
          long overdue budget sonction*/in Tehran, The imposition of a tax
          of 2/- tomans per kharvar on all commodities imported or in
          transit have assisted the :»Stnicipclity to meet their liabilities
          to some extent.  Attempts at asphalting a portion of the main
          road in the town arc in progress.  All other roads in the town
          are in a bad stats of repair ar.d'xxxxMxtocx is still primitive.
          The proportion of barley in Government bread was reduced from
          30/o to 20* in tho last quarter of the year.
          (12) Gendarmarle.
                      Sarhang Hassan Goodarzi was Officer Commanding,
          Gendarrr.arie ’intil February, when he was recalled to Tehran.
          Numerous complaints were made of his increasing venality and
          in April Sarhang Gulriz was deputed from Tehran to report on him.
          He found the charges were fully substantiated and reported
          accordingly to Tehran, Goodarsi left Herman for Tehran on 14th
          March. All officers j?ho kept him supplied with money were shown
          favour in the form of good appointments. Those who failed were
          de-graded, and discipline and efficiency were affected.
          Goodarzi's relief S&rhang Zia ud Din Ishki arrived in Herman on the
          9th June, Ishki is a friendly officer but has done very little
          to make the ho man - 3 and ar Abbas and Herman-Yesd road* safe for
          travellers tie formrr *£ w&Mt has been the scene of many holdups.
          Thor3 are strong rumours that the Gcndarmtrie are hand in glove
          with Murad Ali Murad, the Buck&kchi bandit "ho has beer* at large
          for several years.

          71.  Military.
                      Garhang Sayid Seiik Azizi was G.O.C. Kern an until
          19 th June when he was relieved by S art ip Ghulam a11 *adar who
          remained in charge throughout the year. Sartip Qadar was a good
          soldier, active, a severe ciscipliorian cr.d had a strong psrsen-
          -aiity, but this was offset by his e^rter.cive acceptar.ce of bribes.
          During the Tuieh riots he was thought at first to be pro-Tudeh
          owing to certain utterances of his but later he took the strongest
          measures in supporting the police in restoring order. He handled
          the speedy despatch of treops to the Shiraz area during the tribal
          revolt with credit but his contribution towards security in the
          province has been little. Outwardly he was friendly and seemingly
          Staff Officer.

                      SaThang Abbas Quli Alikai was staff officer to the
          G.O.C. until early November after which he was placed in charge of
          troops sent to the disturbed areas near Shiraz. Sarhang Hussain
          Hasrur then took his place as Staff Officer and remained in this
          post until the end of the year. He is a sociable officer and
          took a great interestjin the local Officers* Club which civilians
             all nationalities were encouraged to join.
                      Sarhang All Hateni, O.C., Kerman Depot, was recalled
          to Tehran in August for alleged peculation and was relieved by
          Sarhang Abdur Rdiia Varzgar.
          T.v ,v S^ang m Bshraml* °*c* Artillery and Sarhang Abbas
          b^th^r^c' r-CU^1U?7 Follco» oere both transferred to Tehran
          oy the G.O.C. for their alleged Tudoh sympathies.
                      B.C.O's and other r&nka show all the signs of being
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