Page 561 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 561


           The  incidence of venereal d.iscase, trachoma cr.d conjunctivitis
           continue to remain abnormally high,   A few case3 of typhus were
           recorded but except for seasonal outbreaks of diphtheria ana
           dysentery, no epidemics occurred.
                   The Hospital statiatlco for the year 1946 are as follows x-
                        Number of in-patients.............................  1C76
                        Average number of days in hospital....     18
                        Number of out-patients......................... .  6063
                        Number of subsequent visits.................  16002
                        Number of daily dressings in addition
                                   to the above......................  2776
                        Injections - Intravenous                  5010
                                    Other..........               9920
                        Operations - ?.'ir.or                      972
                                  - I’ajor,                        735
                        Analysis of Major operations
                              Abdominal sections...                 52
                              Amputations.................           4
                              Catarects....................         82
                              Other eye operations.                315
                              Injuries......................        32
                              Tumours........................       12
                              Hernia..........................      53
                              Necrosis......................         3
                              Miscellaneous.............      • • •  164
                              Lithotomy........... .                ic
              (ii)  it. Andr'-.-1 s Church. The Reverend Resavi hes been a.Tay
           from Herman throughout the year on other duties, but vernacular
            services have been conducted vriih the assistance of senior nen-
           -bers of the Christian community.
              (iii)  Miss Stratton went to the U.K. on leave early in the .year
            and she was relieved by Miss Janet Hoodroffe who conducted the
           welfare work for the remainder of the year.
           IV. ?0REIGN nTERRSTS.

                    Thero were no foreign representatives in this area during
            the year.
            Trade.  The bazaars were temporarily filled with surplus war
            supplies in the shape of American crockery, stoves, lamps, and
            hardware, otherwise there were practically no imports from foreign

                    During the year approximately the following Kerman carpets
            and tribal rugs were exported to Tehran afcd thence to New York,
           London, Switzerland, Sweden, and other places s-
                    Kerman carets in qualities 70/35. 80/40 and 90/45

                Total pieces approximately.              . 12960
                Total square neterB........... .         •   92016
                Total value in Rials.........
                    Kerran Afsharl rugs.
                Total pieces approximately,                   8000
                Total equare feat................
                Total value in Riola.........‘              200000
   556   557   558   559   560   561   562   563   564   565   566