Page 559 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 559

                 Administration Report of tho Kerman, Yezd and Bandar
          Abbas Consular Districts for the year 1946.

          T. H-TJ.CONSULATS,

              (a) H.H. Consul.
              (i) Lt. Colonel R. G. Alban, O.3.Z., hold charge of H.U’s
          Consulate, Kerman and Yezd throughout the yocr. Ko also held
          additional charge of H.M. Consulate, Bandar Abbas, from 17.4,4b
          to the end of the year, on the departure oA leave of Mr. R.M.
              (ii) II. IJ. Consult Tours.
                   Lt. Colonel R. C-. Alban, O.3.E., paid several visits
          to Bandar Abbas end Yezd ar.d 3am during the period under report,
          He also visited Tehran and Isfahan.
              (b)   Extra Assistant to H.M. Consul.
                   Ur. N. Lester, held charge of the post of Extra
          Assistant to H.M. Consul, Kerman, through-out the year.
              (c)   Consular Statlstlces.
                    Ihe follovir.g are the British Consulate statistic®
          for the year 194©

                    British Subject s registered
                   Visas Granted..........................  362
                    Documents legalised...............
                    Bees levied.............................  76.8.0 roues Sterling
              (d) Official Celebration3.
                    On IieTT Year’s Day ar.d the occasion of K.U. the King’s
          Birthday, Civil end Military officials, notables ar.i leading
          merchants of the town cade the usual calls on H.H. Consul.
              (a) British Subjects
          1.       Ur. C.H. Owen of the Eritish Council, Tehran, end
          Major G.A. Kaqvi, Attache for Indian Affairs, Eritish Embassy,
          Tehran, arrived in Herman from Tehran on the 23rd January and
          returned to Tehran on the 25th January#
          2.        Dr. and Mrs. f7. Harris of the C. U. S. arrived in
          Kerman from the G. K. on the 25th January and wca. posted to
          Shiraz towards the end of the year.

          3.        Colonel and Mrs. Gastrell, of the British Embassy,
          Tehran, accompanied by Mrs. V. Price, Head Archivist of the
          British Embassy, Tehran, arrived in Kerman from Tehran on the
          21st March and left for Zahidan on the 25th March.
          4.        The Right Reverend Bishop Thompson and Mrs. Thompson,
          arrived in Kerman from Isfahan on the 21et March and returned
          to Isfahan on .the 11th April.
          5.       Mr. H. Campbell, Director of tho lynch Company Ltd.
          and his branch manager of Isfahan, L!r. R.F.L, Uard, together
          with Mr. G. Grieve, Resident Representedve
           Huston Hornsby Ltd.  arrived in Herman from Tehran an/the 27th
            and returned to Tehran on the 23th April.              *7th
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