Page 562 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 562

           V. LOCAL OOVERir.fENT,
              (a) Govomor General, Aqai UeMi Shahrukh hold tho post
           of Governor Goneral from the boginning of the year^intil the
           20th of Juno when ho was recalled to Tehran. During his period
           of offico ho showed great timidity in handling tho disputos which
           aro.-e over  elections for the Provincial Council and a lack of
           enterprise or Interest in the affairs of the province.  Tho Tudoh
           Party in Kerman also thrifved as a result of weakness which ho
           displayed towards then.
                   In his absence Aqai Adi Isfar.dyarl, tho Formandar,
           officiated as ^standor In addition to his'own duties.
                   About tho beginning of October Sartip All Qader, the
           G.O.C., received Instructions from Tehran to carry out tho duties
           of the Ustandar until the arrival of the Ustandar designate,
           Aqai Reza Hikmat ( Sender Fakhir ). Shortly after, Sartip Qadar
           was obligod to hand over the affairs of the Ustandari to Sartip
           Vahdati as the former was busily engaged in supervising the despatch
           of troops to quell the tribal revolt in the Shiraz area. Vahdati
           officiated for a day or two after which he handed over to Aqai
           Hikmat who arrived in Kerman on the 12th October and remained until
           the end of the year. Aqai Hikrcat was fortunate in arriving in
           Kerman after the influence of the Tudeh Party was &n the wane. As
           a result of his representations /regarding the bad water situation
           in the province the Shah granted a sum of two million rials to
           improve the water supply in Kerman and Baluchistan. The Ustandar
           visited Tehran twice by air during the year to obtain instructions
           In connection with the Democrat Party and the holding of elections
           for the 15th Majlis.

              (b) Farr.andsr,   Aqai Adi Isfar.dyarl ( Adl-us-Saltanth )
           held the post of Farmaraar, Kerman, throughout the year.
              (c) Economic and Finance Department. Aqai Moosa Khattatan
           arrived In Kerman cn the 17th January in the capacity of Director
           of Finance, 8th Usten, which post he held throughout th9 year.
           He had strong Tudeh sympathies and gave the best posts in his
           department to those of similar views. Between the 19th September
           and the 25th October he was in Tehran on leave.

                   Aqai Jabbari remained as Head of the local Finance
           Deportment until the first week of August after which he was
           recalled to Tehran for his Tudeh sympathies.
                   Aqai Hussain All Khan Farzan remained as Head of the
           Economic Department and dealt with grain collection and the
           distribution of sugar and tea throughout the year.
                   A case of embezzlement involving a sum of 40,000.—
          tomans was discovered in the Finance Department about the middle
           of the year and a commission was'despatched from Tehran to in-
          -vestigate and report. One person who was reported to have been
          in possession of information which would hav/benefit the offenders
          to justice was found dead in suspicious circumstances and was said
          to have been murdered by them. The case Is still under Investigation
          in the local courts.
             (d) Agricultural Department. Aqai Lluhsin Sheikh-ul-Islarai
          hold the post of Manager of the Agricultural Department until the
          15th November when he was transferred to Tehran and relieved by
          Aqai Muhandis Mustafa ^hah ^lai who took over charge on the 27th
          November. Though timely rains fell in the winter months and tho
          whent and barley crops were regarded as average, the prices of
          thoco grains remained comparatively high during the ve  ar. No drops
          are reported to have been drjnaged by 1 sen *( rust ).  The frdit
          crop was good.

          CottfT* The cotton crcp was excellent and sufficient to moot all
          local demands.
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