Page 558 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 558


                         OPERATIONS JN TLE G*£E'S.«R.*H AitK.i'UURIIJ3 1946.

                     There woo no drillinc during 1946.

             a?.»Fy &. L-;bou^.
                     Dritish otaff tnd Indian Staff ana .jrtizans and their
             families at 31st December 1946, numbered
                                           Staff   ..'ives  Children
                          British            7       2       3
                          Indian $           3
                          Indian .-artisans  3       1
                     The Labour strength increased from 454 to 472 during the

            FOOD oUPILIDS.
                     The free issue of flour, sugar and tea rations to labour
            employees ceased on 1.6.46 when rations were encashed and, thereafter,
            sola at cost price,   Other staple cojimodities continued to be supplied
            to employees ana dependents at controlled _rices throughout the year.
            Food supplies ..ere adequate lut the cost of livin'; ' slightly higher
            than in 1945.


                     The Iranian ..ray troops v.ere -withdrawn on ."riday 4th October
            and have not returned.
                     The i.egaoani tnd Police were disarmed by :.alek ..ansoor
            Bashti on Sunday 6th October.
                     The Police consist ins of one officer and 11 men returned
            on 22nd Docember 1946.
                     The Uesabani have not returned.
                     The Company employ 48 watchmen.  The rifles issued by the
            Government to our watchmen were withdrawn in July as a result of the
            Tudeh activities.
                     The security in Gach Saran lies almost completely in the
            hands of hlalek ;..ansoor Bashti as his forces greatly outnumber those
            of the Police.
                     There t«s a slight increase in the "Hold ups’* of Company
            vehicles.during 1946.

            ifrtTifl SPPPLY.
                     80,2C0,C00 gallone of water were pumped from the Du Gumbadan
            .Vater ‘.Veils*

                     V/olie i;o.7f 8 and 13 were on Production. Crude Oil
            despatches to .vbadan totalled 487,121,000 gallons*
   553   554   555   556   557   558   559   560   561   562   563