Page 574 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 574
Aqai Abdullah Mohiet hold charge from l.f.46. to
3,3.46., Aqai Tokl Lachln from 4.3.46 to 22.3.46, Aqal Abdullah
Uohlet from 23.3.46 to 5.5.46 and -Aqai Taki Lachin from 6.5.46
to 31.12.46.
Distribution of sugar and tea by the Food Department
hgj shown aome Improvement, some persons however taking advantage
of their position draw quantities of these commodities far in
oxoess of their rations.
Aqai ^enry 3ahooshi held charge as Manager of the
Bank throughout the year.
Ihe Bank is the only department where corruption Is
unknown. Their transanction of public business has been very
From 1st January to 27.8.46 there was no incumbent
occupying the post. Aqai Abu Mohammad Mss bah Saqafi held charge
from 28.8.46 to the end of the year.
The court remained practically closed for most of the
year until the arrival of Aqai Saqafi who settled a few major
Rasadfcan All Akbar Dezhbakhsh was Chief of Police from
1.1.46 to 29.4.46, Rnsadban Jaffari from 30.4.46 to 20.7.46 and
lavar Ibrahim Karlralen from 21.7.46 to the end of the year.
A few cases of burglary occurred during the period under
report, otherwise the town's security has been good.
Pests ar.d Tele^renhs.
Aqai liuhasari held charge from 1.1.46 to 15.7.46, Aqai
I^oinzadeh fron 16.7.46 to 19.10.46 and Aqai Uubasari from 20.10.46
to the end of the year.
Postal services to and from the interior have boen
more or less regular slthough there have been periodic Interrup-
-tions in the telegraph service end delays in transmission. The
majority of the public preferred to send their foreign mail by
launch to Dubai to be forwarded from there by air mail. This was
mostly due to the irregularity of the steamer service.
Aqai Pezeshki hold charge from 1.1.46 to 8.10.46
and Aqai Murskedi'from 9.10.46 to the end of the year.
Thore is not much to report.. Ihe schoold have been
running as usual.
Each successive Parmandar performed.the duties of
the* municipality also.
Dr. Noorulhuda Tebatabai was Head of the Health
Department from 1.1.46 to 23.7.46. Dr. Sharif Zarhegar from
24.7.46 to 3.10.46, Dr. All Pur Hariri from 4.10.46 to 5.12.46
and Dr. 'Sharif Zaroegar from 6.12.46 to the end of the year.
Hothing has been done to improve the Government
Hospital nor have any eteps been taken to improve health in
rural areas. ZLnor treatment and operations have been carried
out at the government ho3Dital but thoeo requiring any special