Page 591 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 591

          3. AL KHALIFAH.
                  Hi3 Highness Shaikh Salman continued to take a
          keen Interest in the administration of the State. He
          continued his urging of the Bahrain petroleum company
           to extract more oil, and also expressed anxiety that
           the pearling industry had not recovered the ground lost
          during the war. He is anxious to raise the standard of
          secondary education in Bahrain, and to this end has asked
          for the services of a British Director of Education and a
          British Headmaster for the Manama Secondary School.
                  In February His Highness personally inspected the
          site where the new customs sheds are to be erected, and
          visited the power house in April to start the new 206 KW
          generating set which had arrived at the end of last year*
          He wants visitors to carry away a good impression of
          Bahrain. When he met Lord Petbick Lawrence on the latter*s
          return from India in June he expatiated at some length on
          the good government and general prosperity, that were to be
          found in Bahrain.
                  Shaikh Mohammed bin Isa al Khalifah, senior uncle
          of His Highness, paid his usual visits to Egypt during
          the year, the last one being June-September.
                  Shaikh Abdullah bin Isa al Khalifah, C.I.E., went
          on a number of shooting trips during the year,      He visited
          the mainland on two of these trips.
                  In February Shaikh Salman bin Mohammed bin Isa
          arrived from Jerusalem where he had been studying law.
          He was appointed a magistrate of the Bahrain court in
                  A son of His Highness and a son of Shaikh Khalifah
          bin Mohammed were among those persons operated on by Sir
          Henry Holland when he visited Bahrain in November.
          4. EDUCATION.
                  (i) Number of schools in
                      existence on 1.1.*46             15

                      Number of schools in
                      existence on 31.12.*46           15
                      Number of students on
                                 1.1.*46           2,736

                      Number of students on
                                31.12.*46          3,178
                      Number of teachers on
                                 1.1.*46              137
                      Number of teachers on
                                31.12.*46             156

                 (ii) Boys1 Schools.
                      All the schools were filled to capacity during
                                                             /the year• • • •
   586   587   588   589   590   591   592   593   594   595   596