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              the new wing of the Manama palace, residential quarters
              for employees of the Bahrain Government, residential
              quarters for employees of Messrs. Gray Mackenzie & Co.,
              Ltd., 4 new flour mills, and about 116 private consumers.
              An increased demand by petroleum concessions Limited for
              the air conditioning for their staff and office premises
              was also met.
                 (ill) New Agreement with the R.A.F.
                        In May the Bahrain Government concluded a new
              electricity agreement with the Air Ministry under which
              they became responsible for the supply of electricity
              in an emergency to the Royal Air Force at Muharraq, and
              regularly to the various B.O.A.C. installations in Manama.
                  (iv) At the invitation of the Amir Saud bin Abdulla
              bin Jalawi of Hassa the State Engineer visited Hofuf in
              March to advise on the electrification of that town.

              9. TELEPHONE DEPARTMENT.
                       No progress has been made with the scheme for an
              automatic telephone system and the Bahrain public have had
              to suffer for another year from the accumulated defects of
              the obsolete equipment still in use. Messrs. Cable and
              Wireless experienced some difficulty in acquiring suitable
              sites In Manama and Muharraq for the main and satellite
              exchanges, but were assisted by this Agency in obtaining
              the sites required. In September, however, the Company
              informed the Bahrain Government chat an automatic system
              could not be installed and offered a new magneto system
              instead. Shaikh Salman felt that he had been let dovra by
              the.Company and replied that unless the company were prepared
              to carry out their original proposal, he would Invite another
              firm to undertake installation. The question was still
             under consideration by the London Office of Messrs. Cable
             & Wireless at the end of the year.
             10. PEARLING.
                       Detailed reports have not yet been received, but
             prices remained at a high level and the value of the catch
             was greater than that of last year. Divers, nakhudas, and
             pearl merchants had a good season, but owing to the unsettled
             state of the Indian market many of the pearls obtained were
             still unpurchased at the end of the year. There were fewer
             boats in commission largely because the absence of timber
             restricts the building of new craft, and many old boats are
             now unsafe. New divers are still coming forward from among
             the sons of old divers, but many have been educated at the
             various schools and no longer make diving their, trade.

             11. CUSTOMS.
                       Customs revenue from all sources, amounted to
             Bs. 28,83,410 an increase of Rs. 2,85,312 over the previous
                       There were 116 launches registered with the customs
             on the 31st December, 1946.
             12. FOOD CONTROL.
                       Despite the cessation of hostilities there was
             no apparent improvement In the food position during the
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