Page 603 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 603

           25,881,285 net barrels as against a total of 15,649,272
           for 1945. The figure for this year, given above, Includes
           862,224 net barrels of crude delivered by tanker through
           the Sitra Marine Terminal.
               (e)  Exploration Work.

                   Exploration work within the Additional Area was
          resumed towards the end of the year and the drilling of
          one structure hole has been completed. At the end of the
          year preparations were under way for the drilling of
          additional structure holes from specially constructed
          drilling piers in the open waters of the Gulf.
               (f)  Refining Operations.

                   Refining operations throughout the year were at
          a high rate of throughput and crude runs during the year
          totaled 33,989,452 barrels. Shipments of products during
          the year were as follows;
                   Aviation Gasoline         417,842 Barrels.
                   Gasoline                7,940,605     "
                   Kerosene                4,088,907     "
                   Diesel Oil              6,478,022     "
                   Fuel Oil               12,309,322     «
                                          31,234,698 Barrels.
          in addition to the above shipments 118,275 tons of coke
          produced in the previous year*s operations were also shipped.
                   Very little aviation gasoline was produced during
          the year as the demand for it had dropped with the end of
          the war. Except for one short run the facilities for manu­
          facturing this product remained closed dovra, but the
          balance of the refining facilities continued operating at

              (g)  Refinery.
                   No major operating facilities were completed
          during 1946. There were, however, alterations and additions
          made to several existing plants.
              (h)  Sitra and Sitra Terminal.

                   The construction of the causeway and the new wharf
          started in 1945 were completed during the year. Many other
          facilities, such as a magneto telephone system, a new pump
          shelter, etc., were provided in the Sitra Terminal. Work
          was also commenced on an extending tank field lighting system.
              (i)  Drum Plant.

                   No major alterations were made to the Drum plant
          but minor additions were-carried out to increase drum
         manufacture and filling operations.
              (J) Camp facilities.

                   increased numbers of personnel have necessitated
          increased housing in Awali. The 20 two-bedroom houses
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