Page 605 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 605
Jabal Faiyah
jabal Hafit
Baraimi Oasis
part of the Oman Range to the east of
Baraimi and Hafit.
In the autumn an extensive programme Including
magnetometer, gravimeter, and topographical surveys
was started in the undermentioned areas*
Ras al Khaimah
Unun al Qaiwain
Abu Dhabi.
Close contact was maintained throughout these
operations with the Residency Agent who was of great
All classes of traffic increased and comparative
figures of paid messages for 1945 and 1946 show an increase
of approximately 14£. A feature has been the steady increase
in traffic in Arabic characters between the various Gulf States
and Saudi Arabia.
1945. 1946.
Despatched from Bahrain 31,272 36,535
Received for Bahrain 23,494 29,299
In transit 51,555* 55,461*
♦(These figures do not include traffic in
transit for 'Iraq and Persia).
Aircraft services were maintained on a 24 hour
a day basis throughout the year, and the marine short wave
service which had been suspended during the war was re
introduced. The marine medium wave service was curtailed
from 24 to 16 hours a day after Admiralty control had ceased
on January 1st, 1946.
(ii) CABLES.
The Bahrain-?ao, Bahrain-Bushire and Bahrain-Kuscat
cables were interrupted for long periods during the year,
but all were in working order on the 31st December, 1946.
The wireless services to Kuwait, Hassa, and Sharjah were
maintained throughout the year, and a radio-telephony
circuit opened with the petroleum Development (Qatar) Limited,
Camp at Dukhan in Qatar. There was a total disruption of
communications with Bushire from the 19th September to the
11th November during the tribal disturbances.
The Transmitter Hall has been extended to accommodate
a new 10 Kilowatt transmitter (now being installed) and other
equipment which may be required in future. Three additional
/modern receivers.•