Page 609 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 609

          Corporation, Air Vice Marshal Sir Victor Tair, C.B.,
          O.B.E., Assistant Director General (Technical) and
          Mr. R.D. Stewart, Assistant Director General (Com­
          mercial), passed through Bahrain en route to India.
           (viii) On the 29th/the Hon’ble Mr. A.V. Alexander,
          First Lord of the Admiralty, arrived by air from India
          and left the next morning en route to the United Kingdom.
         He stayed with Commodore I.W. Whitehom, R.N., Senior
         Naval Officer, Persian Gulf. The Political Agent,
         Captain Ranee and Mr. C.J. Pelly were invited to meet
         Mr. Alexander at the Naval Base on the evening of the
             (ix) On the 30th June Lord Pethick Lawrence, Secretary
         of State for India, and Sir Stafford Cripps, president
         of the Board of Trade, accompanied by Sir William Croft
         and the staff of the cabinet Mission to India, arrived by
         air from India and left the same day. The whole party
         were met at the Marine Air Base by the political Agent,the
         Secretary to the political Resident and Captain Ranee,
         from Y/here they proceeded to the Agency. The Ruler of
         Bahrain, accompanied by shaikh Abdullah bin Isa and the
         Adviser to the Bahrain Government, called on Lord Pethick
         Lawrence and Sir Stafford Cripps at the Agency. The Shaikh
         displayed a lamentable lack of interest in the Cabinet
         Mission’s work, and beyond expressing a pious hope that
         everything was "all right" in India and that the various
         communities were not fighting contented himself with
         a'sking the Secretary of state repeatedly to visit his
         Island which he described in glowing terms.
              (x) On the 30th August Mr. G.V. Allen, United States x
         Ambassador, Tehran, accompanied by his Commercial Attache,
         and two other members of his staff arrived in Bahrain by
         air from Dhahran. The party, accompanied by Mr. Parker
         T« Hart, United States consul at Dhahran, called on the
         Hon'ble the Political Resident at jufair and on the poli­
         tical Agent at the Agency. They returned to Dhahran the
  I      same day.
            (xi) On the 15th October, Air Vice Marshal S.C. Strafford,
         C.B., C.B.E., D.F.C., Air Officer Commanding, ’Iraq, arrived
         in Bahrain. He left the following day for Habbaniyah.
           (xii) Maulvi J.D. Shams, H.A., imam of the Woking Mosque,
         arrived in Bahrain by B.O.A.C. ’plane on the 7th October
         en route to India. His aircraft developed engine  trouble
         and it was not until the morning of the 10th that  he was
         able to resume his Journey. During his stay the Shaikh
         entertained him to dinner at Rafaa* and Mr. Hafiz, the
         Agency’s Indian Assistant, showed him round Bahrain.
          (xiii) Sir Henry Holland, K.C.I.E., of the C.M.S. at
         Quetta arrived by air on the 17th November and left on
         the 25th.
         29. LOCAL AFFATRS.

             (i) Cinema*
                 The local cinema which had been long closed was
         taken over by Ibrahim bin Hijris, a British Indian subject,
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