Page 610 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
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                and re-opened on tho 29th January. Both Arab and Indian
               films are shown. It is reported that the first two
               Egyptian film3 to be shown cost their promoter Rs.10,000
               and that he also spent Rs.4,000 in repairing and re­
               furnishing the cinema. His later success has recently
                encouraged another British Indian subject to apply for a
               licence to start another cinema in Bahrain.
                   (ii) Visit of Kuwait Students.
                        On the 20th March 31 Kuwaiti students accompanied
               by 4 Egyptian teachers arrived from Kuwait in a Bahrain
               Government launch as guests of the Bahrain Education
               Department. They were quartered in the Qudhaibiyeh house
               of Shaikh Abdulla bin Isa, Minister of Education, and were
               entertained to dinner during their stay by both the Shaikh
               and Shaikh Abdulla bln Isa. They also visited the Refinery
               and the new pier at Sitra.
                        On the 24th they attended a display of -physical
               drill by the students of Bahrain at which His Highness
               and the other members of the Al Khalifah family were
                        On the 25th they left by launch for Al Khobar on
               their return journey.
                 (Ill) Bahrain Races.

                        Two race meetings were held this year, the first
               on the 12th April and the second on the 29th November.
               They were well attended and the Shaikh was present on
               both occasions. Ten per cent of the totalizator takings
               were divided between the Bahrain Orphanage, and the
               Gymkhana club.

                  (iv) on the 17th August the Camp office of the Hon'ble
               the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf was established
               at Jufair, and by the middle of October the transfer of
               the xaaiJutM remainder of the Residency establishment had
               been completed.
               30. THE WEATHER.

                       After the. rigours of 1945 Bahrain had a mild
               summer. The temperatures were:-
                       Maximum temperature      112/°p. on 25.7. *46.
                       Minimum temperature       50°P. on 27.1.*46.
                       Maximum humidity          96£ on 22.8.*46.
                       Minimum humidity         35<f on 24.7. *46.
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