Page 611 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 611

91- <3 AJULfr
                  (i) Al Thani.
                      His Excellency Shaikh Abdullah bin Jasirn al Thani
           suffered from indifferent health during the year, in June
           the Agency surgeon visited Qatar and found him suffering
           from mumps, slight eczema of the feet and diabetes, but at
           the time of the political Resident's visit in October he
           3eemed in much better health.
                      Shaikh Hamad, a son and the heir presumptive of
          Shaikh Abdullah, while suffering mildly from diabetes con­
           tinued in good health during the year. In October he was
           reported to have disposed of a consignment of 20 rifles to
          a Persian dhow which called at Dohah, but he and his father
          vigorously denied the charge.
                       The names of other members of the Al Thani have
           also been mentioned in reports about arms trafficking, and
           it is alleged that the Amir of Hassa complained to Shaikh
           Abdullah that Nasr bin Khalid al Thani had purchased arms
           in Hassa and sold them in Abu Dhabi.
                 (ii) official visits.
                       On the 15th June the political Agent left by
          P.C.L. launch for Qatar, and returned on the 18th.
                       On the 22nd October the Hon'ble Lt-Col.
          A.C. Galloway, C.I.E., O.B.E., Political Resident in the
           Persian Gulf, accompanied by Mrs. Galloway and C.J. Pelly,
          Esq., O.B.E., I.C.S., Secretary to the political Resident,
           left for Qatar in the frigate H.M.S. "Loch Quoich". The
           Shaikh welcomed the presence of the Navy in Dohah and gave
           a dinner party in honour of the political Resident and
          Mrs. Galloway which was attended by Mr. Pelly and by
           Commander Fenton, O.B.E., and several other officers from
           "Loch Quoich". The political Resident and his party
           returned to Bahrain in H.M.S. "Loch Quoich" on the 24th.
                (iii) Health.
                       Dr. Storm of the American Mission visited Qatar
           in January and the Agency Surgeon also paid visits later in
           the year when he treated large numbers of the townspeople
           of Dohah and inoculated the oil company labour at Zagreet
           in the absence of the company doctor. The shaikh of Qatar
          has asked the political Agent for assistance in procuring
           building materials to build a dispensary. An attempt is
          being made to provide him with building materials and
          medicines and secure a doctor to work in the dispensary*
                 (iv) Petroleum Development (Qatar) Limited.

                       please see paragraph 22(ii) of this report.
          During the year the Shaikh of Qatar agreed to two important
          alterations in the terms of the Company's Concession. By
           the first, Company 'planes were allowed to land in Qatar
          under a general permission. By the second, the Company
          were allowed to use Zagreet or any other port constructed
          by them in Qatar for their imports and exports instead of
           the port of Dohah only as laid down in the concession*
                                                     /(▼) Zubarah• • • •

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