Page 626 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 626
Gwadur merchants petitioned to the Government of India
for the exemption from Customs duty of cotton imported by them
to Gwadur from Mekran and Kalat State and exported by sea to
India. No decision had been arrived at by the Government of
India till the end of tho year.
All the members of the Khoja community left for Bombay
to attend tho Diamond Jubilee of the Agha Khan. They experienced
some difficulty In securing sea passages in B.I. boats and in
consequence most of thorn readied Karachi by dhow3, and returned
to Gwadur in April.
Owing to the failure of winter rains in 1945, a shortage
of water was felt by the Baluchi inhabitants of the Nigor area
at the beaming of the year. The failure of crops In the
hinterland due to drought, caused a large influx of Baluchis
to Gwadur tovra in September, who eventually left for India.
In October, the British Overseas Airways Corporation,
Karachi, requested the Political Agent to obtain pemission
from His Highness the Sultan to allow them to lay mooring
buoys for flying boats in the east and west bays at Gwadur,
as was done before the war. Formal permission was obtained
and in December mooring buoys were laid.
Ur. Abdi Khan, a Sardsr of Dashtiari, paid a visit
to gwadur in June and it was reported that he was much impressed
at the increasing strength of the Tudeh Party in the Persian
Kail stearners called at Gwadur approximately onee' in
a month during the year, and it is hoped that more steamers
will call in the near future.
Telegraphic communication with Karachi remained very
poor during the year due to the frequent break-down of the
lines. By the end of the year, the Sub-Post master was able
to communicate by telephone with the Postmaster at Turbat, which
eased the position a little.
12 ships from Karachi and 10 ships from the Persian Gulf _
called at Gwadur during the year.
Anti-locust operations were carried out during the first
half of the year and it was reported that considerable success
was achieved. The party again arrived at Gwadur in December to
commence operations for the next year.
The aerodrome remained unserviceable during tha
XI* Shipping