Page 629 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 629

                            FOB THE YEAR 1946.

                         in.  H.M. CONSULATE.
          1. personnel.

             (a) Major A.C. Stewart, O.B.E   • >  held charge of the post of
          H.M. Consul till 27th May, 1946.     He was relieved by Lieuten-
          ant Colonel V.W.D. Willoughby, who held charge for the re­
          mainder of the year.
             (b) Mr. W.P. Keelan held charge as Vice-Consul till the 12th
          April, 1946, from which date the post was abolished.

             (c) The post of Confidential Assistant to H.M. Consul was
          created during the year.    It was filled on 19th August, 1946,
         by Mr. H.J. Nicholas, who held charge for the remainder of the
         2. Accommodation.     The lease of the building occupied by H.M.
         Consulate having expired, the office was moved into a building
         rented from the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, about i of a mile
         nearer the town on the Karun river front, on the 17th November.
         3. Consular Statistics.
                 British subjects in this area
                 Passports issued                                  311
                 Passports renewed                                 106
                 Visas granted                                     475
                 Marriages performed                                 10
                 Documents legalised/attested               about 1000
                 Shipping protests registered                         6
                 Fees levied during the year                 £ 979-16-6
                 Births registered                                   52
                 Deaths registered                                    6.

                         II. BRITISH INTERESTS
                      There was a slight improvement in commercial ac-
                   in this area resulting from the change over from war
         to peace-time production in the United Kingdom and America.
         Imports from the United Kingdom through this port consisted
         mainly of machinery destined for other parts of Iran, electri­
         cal equipment and cars. Imports from India were mainly
         second-hand? clothes•
                 In spite of the fact that the local markets are fairly
         well stocked with goods of American manufacture, there is a
         general preference for British manufactured goods, and numerous
         enquiries were received during the year from local merchants
         for information concerning suitable export firms in England and
         the type of goods allowed for export,       Khorramtfiahr is now
         the main port of Iran and port facilities have greatly improved,
         with suitable railway facilities from here to the hinterland.
         It is expected therefore that Khorramshahr will soon develop
         into an important trade centre. The proposal for the appoint­
         ment of a Trade Assistant was not followed up during the year.
         Such an appointment would however be of great assistance to
         the promotion of British trade.
         2. ^nglo-Iranian Oil Company.      The activities of the Company
                                                                  wore /-
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