Page 634 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 634
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the Karun liver) to the Santiab Jetties (on the Shatt-el-Arab).
Fortunately the rising water stopped short of the level of the
ibankment. Had it risen any further, the results would have
been disastrous, owing to the tremendous weight and volume
of water being held up. The flooding of Khorramshahr would
have caused an over-flow of the Karun onto Abadan Island, with
possible damage to the Refinery and other Anglo-Iranian Oil
Company installations.
Trade and Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce for Abadan and
Khorramshahr existed only in name during the year, as far as
the general public was conoerned. The only persons who
profited from its existence were the committee members them
selves, who occasionally made telegraphic appeals to Tehran,
in the name of the Chamber, when their personal business happen
ed to be advemsely affected.
Agha Abralshamkar remained President of the Chamber of
Commerce throughout the year.
Education. Aghai All Ashgar Fiyyaz retained the post of
Director of Education, Khorramshahr, till 7th October, when he
was relieved by Khalil Fahr, who held charge for the remainder
of the year.
Agha Rafi-Zadeh, the pro-Tudeh Director of Education,
Abadan, held charge till early in October, when he was arrested
for the Illegal registration of certain Tudeh pamphlets regardlni
the general elections. A sympathetic strike was thereupon
organised for a few days by other pro-Tudeh teachers and
British Troops.
The evacuation of British Forces from these areas com
menced early in the year and the last units of the Army in this
Province withdrew through Khorramshahr on Harch 1st.
In February, there was a minor clash between a company
of Persian troops and a mobile patrol unit of the Sikh Light
Infantry Regiment, resulting in the death of one Persian civi
lian and injuries to six Persian soldiers. The military report
on the incident indicated that the clash was caused by the
civilian (who was later discovered to be a guard in the evacua
ted U.S. Camp) who fired on the Sikh unit in the course of its
patrol. An exchange of shots ensued, but ceased on the timely
arrival of the Sikh Duty Officer, who eventually brought the
situation under control.
The Karun Pontoon Bridge was dismantled by the British
forces before their departure. It was taken over by the
Angloflranlan Oil Company and eventually installed across
the Bahmanshlr River.
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Except for the period between 11th Ray and July 13th,
Martial Law remained in force throughout the year.
At the end of the year, one Infantry Company from the
14th Ahwax Infantry Regiment was added to the Military Garrison
on Abadan Island, thus bringing its total strength to four
Infantry Companies and one M.G. Company.
Major /.