Page 633 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 633

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             Abadan, till 16th May, when, as a result of a quarrel with
             the Civil Governor regarding their respective Jurisdictions
             over a disputed area in Abadan, he was sent back to Tehran.
             Ho was succeeded by Lieutenant Colonel Leali, who, though he
             was understood to have played a prominent part in the resto­
             ration of law and order during the July riots, was arrested
             on 13th October on the order of the Public Prosecutor of the
             Military Tribunal in Abadan, on the charge of having facilita­
             ted the commission of offences during the riots. His arrest
             was followed the nest day by that of his deputy, Major Daulat-
             shahi, on similar charges. These arrests raised strong
             protests against the action of the Public Prosecutor, who was
             alleged to be merely using these officials as scape-goats in
             an effort to cover up Tudeh responsibility.      The post of
            Chief of Police remained vacant till November 22nd, when Colon­
             el Azad Rad arrived from Tehran to take up the appointment
            which he held for the remainder of the year.

                    In Khorramshahr, the post of Chief of Police was held
            by Captain Hussain Nikokar till 7th May. when he was relieved
            by Captain Ali Ashgar Firouz. This officer was in turn
            relieved on 7th August by Captain Yahya Iftekhar, who held
            the post for the remainder of the year.

                    Special allowances were granted during tho year to the
            officers and men of the Police serving in the Abadan and Oil
            Fields areas. The increase was expected to attract recruits
            of the right type in order to strengthen the efficiency of
            the police forces in these areas,      This hope was however
            short-lived, as it became evident that the type of recruit
            required was undoubtedly #ore interested in Joining the Anglo-
            Iranian Oil Company.

            Gendarmerie. Captain Reza Hakimi retained the post of Chief
            of Gendarmerie, Khorramshahr and Abadan, till the 26th March,
            when he was transferred from this area. He was succeeded by
            Lieutenant Isfandiari, who held charge for the remainder of
            the year.

            Health. Dr. Niqabat, Chief Medical Officer, was relieved of
            his post on the 16th Beptember by Dr. Mosaw&t, who held charge
            for the rest of the year.
                   So epidemics occurred during the year. ‘in May it was
            thought that there would be a danger of wide-spread malaria
            after the flood waters of the Karun and Shatt-el-Arab had sub­
            sided, and measures were taken by the Health authorities to
            spray likely breeding areas in Khorramshahr town and in the
            surrounding country with crude oil.
                   During the same month, advantage was taken by the public
            of the Minister of Health's presence in Khorramshahr to send in
            complaints regarding the lack offcroper sanitation aid health
           measures in the town. The Minister promised his assistance
            in making suitable improvements and stated that it was the
            intention of the Government to raise the status of the Quaran­
            tine Department to that of a Department-General for the South­
            ern Ports,    This change did not however materialise during
           the year.
                                    IPwKt                        charge of
           Municipality. Agha Shukrullah Manuchcheri retained/the post
           of Chief of Municipality throughout the year. No new roads
           or other projects were taken in hand by this department. In
           May, when the flood waters of Iraq spread southwards across
           the desert from Amara and threatened Khorramshahr town, the
           Municipality, working under the direction of the Anglo-Iranian
           Oil Company engineers, raised a protective embankment around
           the town in a rough semi-circle, stretching from Khumba (on
                                                                      the /-

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