Page 64 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947
P. 64
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1st June 1941* Mr* Lipp oarried oat ths duties of both
Chief Local Representative and General Manager for the
remainder of the year*
(11) Field Development
No work of development was undertaken by the Com
pany during the year* The main First and Second Pay Pro
ducing Zones are provided with sufficient points of with
drawal to afford satisfactory drainage of the main reser
voir within the recognised producing area* Wells drilled
and completed in 1939 and 1940 provided valuable data,
the application of which may make increased production
possible and justify their further development*
(ill) Well Repair
The policy of correcting in its initial stages un
satisfactory mechanical condition was continued by the
Besides minor repair work carried out on a large.'
number of walla, major repairs on two wells were success
fully accomplished*
(iv) Production
Totsl oil production during 1941 amounted to
6,794,157 barrels, giving on average of IB,614 barrels
a day* Owing to the lack of shipping facilities the
daily production rate was reduoed from 20,000 barrels
to 15,000 barrels on the 15th September, but this figure
wee raised to 18,000 barrels on the 28th December 1941*
The average water production for the year was
720 barrels a day as compared with 723 barrels a day
In 1940* The reduced rate of oil production towards the
end of the year was chiefly responsible for this decline*
(v) Additional Area
Drilling of structure holes for geological informs*
tloa was carried out by the Company during the year*