Page 10 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol II_Neat
P. 10

( Vi )
                                                                         Paragraphs  Page
                       VI. Oil and Sulphur ...............................................................  86-115  81
                              (a)  Kuwait ..............................................................  86-103  81
                                    (0 Oil ..................................................  86-102  81
                                   (ii) Sulphur..................................................  103  86
                              (b)  Neutral Zone ..................................................  10*1-110  86
                              (c)  The Islands of Kubbar, Qaru and Umm al Maradim  III-II2  88
                              {(t) Kuwait Sea-bed..................................................  113-114  89
                              (c) Neutral Zone Sea-bed .......................................  115  90
                      VII. Foreign Relations ...                          116-166    90
                              (a)  Other Gulf States                       116       90
                              (b)  Iraq                                   117-142    90
                                    (i)  General........................  117-127    90
                                   (ii)  The Date Gardens Case            128-142    94
                              (c) Saudi Arabia ........................   143-147    99
                              (ci) Persia ....................................  148-155   101
                              (e) India ....................................  156-158   103
                             (/) Pakistan....................................  159-160   103
                              (g) The Lebanon and Syria ...               161-162   104
                              (/i) United States of America               163-166   104
                      VIII. Miscellaneous                                 167-215   105
                              (а)  Jurisdiction ....................................  167-171  105
                              (б)  Facilities for the Royal Air Force     172-175   107
                              (c)  Civil Aviation ....................................  176-188  107
                              (d)  Slavery ................................................  189-190  112
                              (e)  Arms ................................................  191-193  113
                             (/) Banks ................................................  194-195  113
                              (g)  Post Office ....................................  196-201  114
                              (h)  Telecommunications and Broadcasting   202-210    116
                              (/) Medical and quarantine                 211-212    117
                              (j) Nationality and Passports              213-215    118
                 Chapter 4
                        I. General .................................................  1-3  120
                       11. Internal Affairs .....................................  4-20  120
                       III.  Southern Boundary of Qatar .............     21-24     124
                       IV.  Oil........................................................  25-42  125
                       V. Relations with other States .............       43-55     130
                              (a)  The Gulf States.........................  43-46  130
                              (b)  Saudi Arabia .........................  47-51    131
                              (c)  Persia .....................................  52  132
                              (d)  India and Pakistan .............       53-54     133
                              ie) The United States of America ..          55       133
                       VI. Miscellaneous .......................................  56-75  133
                              (a) Jurisdiction .............              56-59     133
                              (b)  Facilities for the Royal Air Force     60-61     134
                              (c)  Civil Aviation ........................  62-63   134
                              {d) Slavery ...................................  64   135
                              (e) Arms ...................................  65-66   135
                             (/) Banks ......................................  67-68  136
                              (g) Post Office ...........................  69-70    136
                              $) Telecommunications ...............        71       136
                              (/) Medical and Quarantine                  72-73     136
                              (») Nationality and Passports               74-75     137
                 Chapter 5
                 The Trucial States
                        I. General                                         1-9      138
                                                                          10-40     139
                       II. Internal Affairs
                                                                          10-16     139
                              (a)  Abu Dhabi                                        141
                              (b)  Dubai                                  17-21     142
                              (c)  Sharjah ...                            22-26     145
                              (d)  Ajman                                  27-28    145
                              (e)  Umm-al-Qaiwain
                             (/) Ras-al-Khaimah .                         31-38    145
                              (g) Fujairah ...
                                                                          41-42    148
                      III. The Trucial States Council
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