Page 12 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol II_Neat
P. 12

( viii )

                                                                         Paragraphs  Page
                               (/) Arms Traffic ...........................  97      201
                               (g) Banks .......................................  98  201
                               (/j) Post Offices ...........................  99-100   202
                               (/) Telecommunications ...............     101 -103   202
                               ( /) Quarantine and Medical                104-107    202
                               (A) Nationality and Passports              108-109    203
                               (/) Currency.......................................  110-111   204
                               (m) Protocol and Consular privileges       112-113    204
                               (n)  Lighterage at Muscat ...............    114     204
                           Map of the Persian Gulf Shaikhdoms and the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman

                                                 VOLUME II
                  Appendices to Chapter 1, General
                     A. —Documents relating to the Persian Gulf Lighting Service—1948-1952 ...  209
                     B. —Memorandum on the Manumission of slaves—1954   ...........................  213
                     C. —Instructions for the Issue of “ No objection certificates "—1954 ...............  214
                     D. —Protocol Rules—1953 ......................................................................................  215
                     E. —List of the Persian Gulf Rulers—1953   ..................................................  217
                     F. —British Representation in the Persian Gulf since 1904   ...........................  217
                     G. —Regulations regarding the use of flags—1950-1953 ......................................  219

                  Appendices to Chapter 2, Bahrain
                     A. —Correspondence with the Ruler of Bahrain regarding His Majesty’s Government’s
                           acceptance of responsibility for the protection of Bahrain against external
                           aggression—1951..................................................................................................  221
                     B. —Press Ordinance issued by the Government of Bahrain—1953   ...........................  222
                     C. —Liquor Decrees issued by the Government of Bahrain—1944 and 1952 ..............  222
                     D. —Documents relating to the Zubarah Dispute—1944 and 1948   ...........................  223
                     E.  —Delimitation of the Bahrain-Qatar Sea-bed Boundary—1947   ...........................  225
                     F. —Rdsum6 of Discussions held in London with the Amir Faisal, about the submarine
                           areas, islands and shoals between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain—1951..............  226
                     G. —Correspondence concerning British jurisdiction in Bahrain—1909 and 1952  227
                     H. —Correspondence about facilities for the Royal Navy—1934 and 1935   ...............  228
                     I. —Correspondence about facilities for the Royal Air Force—1934 and 1938  229
                     J. —Correspondence about the formation of a small British Military Headquarters
                           in Bahrain—1953 ..................................................................................................  230
                     K. —Proclamation prohibiting ownership of and traffic in slaves in Bahrain—1937 ...  231
                     L. —Proclamations issued by the Ruler of Bahrain regarding arms of 1898, 1943
                           and 1950   ..............................................................................................................  231
                    M. —Undertaking by the Ruler of Bahrain not to permit the opening of any additional
                           banks—1944    ..................................................................................................  232
                     N. —Cable and Wireless Concession Agreement with the Ruler of Bahrain—1947 ...  233
                     O. —Bahrain Nationality Law—1937 and Passport Regulations—1930-31   ...............  235

                 Appendices to Chapter 3, Kuwait
                     A. —Agreements concerning the Lease of the Bandar Shuwaikh lands—1907...............  236
                     B. —Letter from the Ruler of Kuwait about customs dues to be paid by British
                           Subjects in Kuwait—1942   ..........................................................................  242
                     C. —Documents relating to the investment of Kuwait Surplus Revenue—1953  243
                     D. —Correspondence on the demarcation of the Iraq-Kuwait frontier—1940-1951 ...  246
                     E. —Resume of discussions held in London with the Amir Faisal about the islands
                           claimed by Kuwait—1951   ..........................................................................  249
                     F. —Letter from the Ruler of Kuwait regarding his rights in Kuwait Bay—1947  249
                    G. —Letter from the Ruler of Kuwait undertaking to consult His Majesty’s Govern­
                           ment before granting oil concessions in the Neutral Zone ..........................  250
                      _Correspondence on the subject of the Ruler of Kuwait’s dollar requirements 1951  250
                     |._Correspondence regarding the properties in Iraq belonging to the Ruler of
                           Kuwait—1930-1948   ..................................................  •••   ...............  251
                     j._Form of letter of Authority given by the Ruler of Kuwait to United States
                           Consuls—1951   ..................................................................................................  255
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