Page 151 - Neglected Arabia Vol I (1)
P. 151




                         NEGLECTED ARABIA                                7

 poll the place used for ablution. Mohammed's injunctions c**gnrd-
 iy the sacred character of mosques are given as follows:
  When you enter .1 Masjid, you must say, “O Creator! open on us the
 f Thy Compassion”; ami when you leave the Musjiil, say, **0 Lori I!    w e
 ipplicute thy uuuijlicence.”                         /                              :
  it is a sin to spit in a Masjid, and the removal of the sin is to cover it over.   1
  Whoever shall enter a Masjid, let him enter it tor a good object, namely, to
  am  something himself or to teach others. For he ranks as an equal with him
  ho lights in the cause of God, who thus enters a Masjid; but he who enters a
 lasjid on any other account, is like unto a man who covets the property of
  lother. Verily, a time will come when men will attend to worldly matters in a
 lasjid. But sit ye not with such.
  Do not read poetry in a Masjid. and do not buy and sell there, nor sit in a
  rcle talking before prayers on a Friday.                 «
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                            A IjKOUK OK MlNAKKTS                                         I
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          Kvcry mosque has one or more minarets.  From these heights the
                muezzin sounds the call to prayer live times a day.                    L
 ■—^=he prayers of a man in his own house are equal to the reward of  one
 ^:r, but prayers in a Masjid near his home are equal to twenty-five prayers,
    in a Jami (or central mosque), they are equal to live hundred prayers, anti
     rusalein to lifty thousand, and in my Masjid (at Madinah), fifty thousand,
     t the Ku'bah, one hundred thousand.                                                1
     though the Prophet did not forbid women to attend public
     :r it is considered better form for them to pray in private. Only
                                                                                        « •.

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